Over the past few weeks something really special has been happening here at the gym....It's the growing sense of community. I'm losing count of the number of times that someone suddenly jumps up to greet a friend, realizing for the first time that they're also training here at WILCOX. Just the other day I was sitting with a soon to be new member of our community when she jumped out of her chair to greet an old friend who she hadn't seen in a while. And then this morning as another new member walked through the door she was greeted by an old friend. A couple of weeks ago as our KickStart program was nearing kickoff and I was meeting with new participants for their success sessions, two friends, unaware that they would both be participating in the program, greeted each other in the entry way. Another member of our community recently got an amazing opportunity that she couldn't pass up for a super cool job over the summer. This opportunity will take her 15 or so miles off shore to Hurricane Island, which means that she'll be taking a short hiatus from her training with us. As she left the gym after her 2nd to last training session before departure phone numbers were being exchanged and hugs were being shared. Although we will miss her SO much over this summer, I am equally excited for her opportunity and to share in the amazing energy of everyone celebrating exciting adventures and new friendships. When I decided to embark on this journey of opening my own business a lot was rooted in this "feeling". A feeling of making a difference, of bringing people together in a place that embodies positivity. A feeling of building a culture that supports individual growth and opportunity for everyone involved. I envisioned a place that would have a positive vibe when you walk in, a place that reenergizes you even when you're feeling tired after a long and hectic day, and a place where friends would run in to each other and new friends would be made. Experiencing this very "feeling" coming to fruition is the greatest gift I could ever ask for. I am honored to have the opportunity to know each person who is a part of our growing community, and look forward to welcoming new friends as we continue to grow. Happy Training! Allison We would LOVE for you to join our Community!
To learn more about our programs and how we work with our clients schedule a brief phone call with me. I would love to learn more about you and your goals, and talk about how we can support you in your personal health & fitness journey!
During a recent bout of warm, springtime weather, I got out for a long overdue walk with my dog, Moe. The cold winter days disrupted my routine of walking on a regular basis and it was time to get back to it! I have always found walking to be my place of solitude. It gives me the space to think....sort through problems, put certain matters into perspective, and simply appreciate the beautiful world around me. During this most recent walk it occurred to me that, despite my efforts, I struggle to sit quietly to reflect on life....or plan....or solve problems. I'm one of those people who need to be in motion when thinking deeply about something. I tend to get distracted by unfinished tasks, or projects that are calling my name. When I'm walking all I can do is think. Anything else will simply have to wait, and that's okay. I suppose I hadn't completely recognized my struggle to sit still and think, but something about this walk brought it into focus for me.
For me it's all about making that time to take in the view. To ponder and create new ideas. To nurture my soul. What do you do to nurture your soul? Do you have a favorite place where you go to slow things down and take that special time that's just for you? I'd love to hear about it! Send me a note at [email protected]. Join our Community Facebook Group! All Things Healthy Living Daily we post inspiration, yummy recipes, and more Get Inspired by your own Awesomeness! Download our Glory Board Worksheet!
Positive self-talk is one of the most powerful tools in the world, and we're constantly ‘talking’ in our subconscious mind. The words that we use can either be positive and build us up or negative and tear us down. It is critical to understand the words that we are using and work to reframe those words and thoughts into a more positive story. Because… what we focus on expands; we become the product of our thoughts; and life is too short for any story that is short of positive. Download this Glory boarding Worksheet to celebrate everything that makes you special! |
AuthorHi! My name is Allison Hopkins and I am the owner of Wilcox Wellness & Fitness in Brunswick, ME. I am excited to bring WILCOX to Brunswick and share in my passion for living a great life through health and fitness. Archives
December 2024