We got married at the top of Ragged Mountain in Camden, Maine, home of the Camden Snow Bowl. We used the chairlift to bring our guests up to the top of the mountain, and a small group of about 12 friends and family members joined us for a mountain bike ride back to the bottom. It was an amazing day and one that our friends still talk about to this day.
I train because I want to be able to continue to live an active life style with my husband. I want to consider new adventures, new sports, and all that life has to offer without having to give it a second thought. We dream of traveling to the Mediterranean where we can explore the Via Ferrata (translated as 'iron path", a climbing route that employs steel cables, rungs or ladders, fixed to the rock to assist in the climb and prevent falling) through the European mountain ranges at high heights with views that are awe inspiring. We dream of kayaking in Croatia, white water rafting in Costa Rica, and Snowboarding in Chile.
This is why I train. Why do you train?
Have questions? Want to talk through some of your worries about getting into a training program? Let's Chat! I'd love to talk more about the support that you're looking for and how we can help! Click below to schedule a brief call to get the conversation started. I can't wait to meet you!
Did you know that 45% of the actions that we do each day are out of habit? That's pretty amazing isn't it! And it's great news because that means that we can easily build upon those existing habits in order to implement new, healthy habits into our life. By blending new habits into our existing routines we can create massive impact in our lives! There's a lot of information out there about how long it can take to develop a new habit, and when you boil it all down it comes down to repetitions of that new habit, or just plain practice. So the simpler we can make a new habit the more likely we are to practice it and make it an automatic part of our day. From there you can build upon this new habit to make it even more impactful in your life, stacking other easy to execute habits on top of it.
So, let me give you an example of how focusing on one of these goals has made a massive impact in my life and has allowed me to achieve goals far bigger than one of these habits.
Next I wanted to start drinking our morning mojo (scroll down for the recipe!) which is a mixture of apple cider vinegar, fresh squeezed lemon juice, and fresh grated ginger with all kinds of great health benefits. This was now super easy to implement because I'd already made drinking a glass of water a habit, so adding the morning mojo to it was no big deal. Next I needed to continue to drink more water throughout the day, so I started filling my water bottle at the same time that I made my Morning Mojo and Coffee, and set a reminder on my phone to make sure that I drank that bottle by lunchtime and refilled it for the 2nd half of the day. Before I knew it I was drinking more water and feeling SO MUCH BETTER in all kinds of ways. This simple addition to my existing coffee drinking routine led to being better hydrated, which in turn led to having more energy, my body and joints felt less achey and stronger, my workouts were more enjoyable and more effective, this led to even more energy, which led to more productivity, which led to feeling a greater sense of accomplishment, which led to feeling more confident in the work that I do. And all of that was created by stacking the addition of a glass of water to my morning routine of brewing coffee. Amazing right?! Do you want to learn more about how you can use habits to help you live your happiest, healthiest life and to reach your goals? Download our latest guide, Powerful Habits for a Powerful Life . You're going to love it! This guide will provide you with a SIMPLE five step approach to reaching any goal by implementing simple habits into your life. I would LOVE to support you in reaching your goals, and supporting you in your journey to living your happiest, healthiest life. Let's chat! Click HERE to schedule a call with me to talk more about your goals and how our programs can help to support you in reaching these goals once and for all. Questions? Shoot me an email! [email protected].
To your health & to reaching all of your goals!
Allison A regular conversation that I have with my clients is around the discomfort that occurs when learning something new. I will often hear people say "I've never had good balance" or "I'm just not very coordinated". There seems to be this limiting belief that we only have good balance and coordination if we're lucky enough to be born with it. This is simply not true. Both balance and coordination are learned and can be improved with practice. For many of us, when we were kids we were regularly climbing on things, jumping up and down from high places, climbing on jungle gyms, and practicing balance and coordination on a daily basis through these playful activities. As we grow older we are encouraged to contain our desire to climb on things, and by the time we become adults we may be seen as a bit eccentric if we were seen hopping down the street, skipping over the cracks in the side walk. And so we lose that opportunity to practice and as a result we may lose a sense of balance and coordination. But that doesn't mean that we can't relearn it.
tions that are no longer necessary or useful, and strengthen those that are being used. Neuroplasticity is what allows us to learn new things as an adult, including balance an coordination. At Wilcox Wellness & Fitness we incorporate balance and coordination into all of our training sessions. We work to provide just the right challenge to support progress over time both in terms of overall strength and stamina, and also to improve our sense of balance and coordination. When we challenge ourselves we are going to fail at first, and that's what it's all about. This is often a big mindset shift that needs to be made before major progress can occur. Giving ourselves the grace to fail is what allows us to embrace the journey. Every time we are doing a balance exercise on one foot, and the opposite foot taps the floor for a moment our brain is learning. Every time we practice a coordinated movement while feeling like we have two left feet our brain is learning. And with practice those movements become easier and we are able to achieve them with greater confidence. I know how it feels to be outside of my comfort zone both in my personal life, and in the gym. In fact, the trainer team and I make a point to get out of our comfort zone with new movements on a regular basis. Remembering how it feels when awkwardly learning a new movement makes us better coaches. Being outside of our comfort zone allows us to spark new creativity, and continue to grow into our best selves. Getting outside of our comfort zone is what allows us to grow both physically and mentally. Creating brain-body connections inside of the gym allow us to tackle all of the activities that we want to do outside of the gym with absolute confidence. Additionally, when we are able to challenge ourselves in a safe environment where you know that the trainer has your back we can move even further beyond our comfort zone. This is such an incredible opportunity because we can experience all of the rewards of the challenge and begin to recognize the value in getting outside of our comfort zone in other aspects of our life that may not feel as safe at first. This may come in the form of taking on a new challenge at work, or pursuing a new talent or hobby in your personal life. When we realize that challenging our brains, embracing the fear of failure, and boldly stepping outside of our comfort zone will pave a path to great personal reward, we are more likely to accept these opportunities when they present themselves. Impacting the quality of our client's lives outside of the gym is what we live for! Creating challenge in our training programs not only makes the process a ton of fun, but also creates the environment for real progress. There is a method to the madness when we present new dynamic movements that may feel impossible to complete at first, and it is important to remember that it is through that failure that one is able to take not only their health & fitness to the next level, but also the course of their entire lives! Let's Chat! Getting started in a health & fitness program can feel really scary! We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment where you can feel good about getting out of your comfort zone. We've got your back! We will support you every step of the way! We are honored to be on your health & fitness journey with you! Let's Chat! Click below to schedule a call where we will talk about you are looking for in a health & fitness program and answer your questions. Not sure where to start or what questions to ask?
We know that finding the right gym isn't always easy. That's why we created a special guide to help you find the trainer and program that will work best for you. This guide will arm you with the questions to ask so you can feel CONFIDENT when it comes to hiring a trainer or choosing a training program. You’ll know exactly what info you need to get the most VALUE for your money, time, and effort. |
AuthorHi! My name is Allison Hopkins and I am the owner of Wilcox Wellness & Fitness in Brunswick, ME. I am excited to bring WILCOX to Brunswick and share in my passion for living a great life through health and fitness. Archives
February 2025