I know that with every person I meet and strive to impact in a positive way that they are most definitely making a positive impact in my life. Through the stories that they share, the wisdom that they pass on, and the contribution that they make to everything that we stand for as a business - making the world a better place by helping people live their very best lives. For that, I cannot thank you enough. With Gratitude, ~Allison We would love to welcome YOU into our community!
Our next KickStart Program starts on Saturday, February 8th! We promise that we will meet you where you are and support you every step of the way. Come join us. We are excited to meet you!
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I left my job, and all of the security that it provided, because I wanted to do something that truly inspired me, and where I felt that I was able to truly make a difference here in my local community.
Coincidentally, and perhaps ironically, I actually left my job on November 16th, 2018. Somehow I had today's day, November 22nd, in my head. I didn't realize until today that Burpees for Turkeys was actually the celebration of my one year anniversary! It was totally a coincidence....but one that I find
meaning in and will cherish. This past year has been absolutely amazing! The stories that are shared with me about how the experience at WILCOX has changed one's life is truly inspiring! The stories from our clients and expression of gratitude for what we do at WILCOX means the world to me. It keeps me moving forward even when the days are long and nights seem too short I'll be honest, there have been some tough times over the past year. I have had some sleepless nights and fought through some anxiety from time to time, but when I step back and really think about what it's all about and why I made the choice to embark on this journey I realize the importance of my work and the gifts that it provides to me each and every day. It's the challenges that we encounter that provide us with the opportunities to learn and grow as a person. I don't always learn the lesson in the moment, that's for sure! The struggle that I'm working through can feel all consuming in the moment, but I try to take the time to reflect on a regular basis and consider the purpose behind the what is happening and what can be gleaned. This past year has been a lesson in balance. In creation of new routines and rituals and trying to find what works. Lessons in ways to unplug a little bit and give myself time to recharge. It can be a hard lesson to learn. When the to-do list seems endless, the days seem too short, and the sleepless nights felt too long it is easy to slip into bad habits. It's easy to put off the time to exercise. It's easy to resort to convenient, less nourishing meals. It's easy to slip into the comfort of the sofa for an entire weekend and do absolutely nothing. When I would allow these tendencies to occur I would always feel at my worst. When I built in time to exercise, when I planned easy, go-to meals that I knew my husband would happily prepare and have ready for me at the end of a long day, when I planned for some fun over the weekend that ensured that I got up off my duff and took time to actively recharge, I would always feel my best and be most prepared to handle whatever the coming week had in store for me. Many of our clients are super busy. They have demands pulling them in all directions. Jobs are demanding, family obligations are sometimes inconsistent and require a great deal of flexibility, many have responsibilities for not only their kids but also their aging parents. Weeks are unpredictable, routines are easily broken, and it can feel like it's impossible to find time to take care of one's self. I have learned so much from the stories and life experiences that my clients share with me. I take these lessons and stories to put my own challenges into perspective and work to learn and grow so that I'm better able to relate to the struggles that my clients face. I try to use my commitment to my clients as fuel and motivation to find strategies that work well for me. Strategies that help me stay the course even during the toughest of weeks. I hope that I'm able to use my personal experiences and how I work through them to guide my clients and help them find the strategies that allow them to give their minds and bodies the love that they deserve. When we take care of ourselves, when we build in that time to exercise and nourish to our bodies we are better able to meet the crazy demands of our lives. And when we are better able to meet the demands that we face we are more equipped to learn from those experiences and make the most of even the most challenging of times. I'm grateful for what I have learned this year. I hope that I've been able to help others make the most out of their personal challenges, and find a path towards their own self care that works best for them. Giving back through this process of self discovery can be very humbling and a lesson learned in itself. This past year has been exactly what I set out to do. To contribute to my community, to do good and to make an impact. I am eternally grateful for the people who make up the WILCOX Community. I cherish each and every story that is shared with me. I deeply value all of the trust that people put in me, and am so appreciative for the support extended my way. I am delighted to be celebrating this one year mile stone of leaving my old life behind and starting this new journey with no other than the people who have allowed me to make it happen....the members of this amazing community at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness. Thank You to each and every one of you. The Brunswick team had an incredible week in Bangor learning from Mike Wilcox on how the Wilcox Wellness & Fitness team focuses upon the client experience by being amazing coaches, and providing clients with a great training experience.
Don't forget to register! We have an amazing week lined up! In all aspects of life you have to practice to become great! The same is true when it comes to being an exceptional personal trainer. We had the opportunity to practice, practice, and practice some more with Mike and some of the Bangor clients for two days. All in all it was an absolutely incredible week. We all learned a lot and left super pumped up to get into the Brunswick gym and get to work. We can't wait to meet you and learn more about how we can support you along your health & fitness journey! Schedule a call today to talk about what you are looking to get out of a fitness program and how we can help you achieve your goals. Learn more about our complete on-boarding program, how we work with our clients, and schedule a call here: We look forward to meeting you and helping you be your very best self through health & fitness. Happy Training! Allison Not quite Ready? Download our FREE Quickstart Guide and get started at home with an easy to implement workout guide and delicious, healthy recipes. Are You Ready to Get Serious About Achieving Your Goals? This 20-minute goals webinar will help you discover the secret to everything you every wanted by giving you the tools and strategies to creating meaningful goals and accomplishing them.
I am so excited about this coming week because I am going to be spending it with my trainer team in Bangor with Mike Wilcox learning how to be an amazing coach. At Wilcox Wellness & Fitness our clients work with certified personal trainers when ever they come in to train with us. It is the job of our trainers to work closely with clients to understand their individual needs, meet them where they are in their health & fitness journey, and inspire them along their way. The path to living a healthy life isn't just about getting fit. It's about building confidence, learning about your body, overcoming mental and physical obstacles, and pursuing goals that are important to each person individually. It's interesting to investigate the origin of the word "coach". In fact, our modern use of the word “coach” is actually a metaphor. The original use of the term coach was used to describe the actions of a tutor in education back in 18th century England. The term coach was used in reference to the process in which a tutor would quickly and comfortably carry students to their goal of passing their exams. The word coach evolved over the course of the century and around 1861 began being used in reference to athletics. That is our job as your coach. To support you in the journey of getting to where you want to go. To inspire you to be the person you want to be. To encourage you to reach your personal goals and go beyond your perceived limits. To guide you in living your absolute best life. The jobs of our trainers, and their role as "coach", is one of the most important jobs in the world! This week is going to be AMAZING! This week is all about taking incredibly skilled and passionate trainers who are excellent at what they do and giving them the tools and inspiration to be EXCEPTIONAL. At Wilcox Wellness & Fitness we are all about continual improvement. We approach each day with the desire to become better at what we do. This week will will embark on the journey of growing into exceptional coaches so that we can be our best for those who give us the amazing opportunity to support them in their personal journey towards being their most incredible self. We look forward to meeting you soon at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness - Brunswick. Happy Training! Allison Training for a Cause The week of January 14th Join us for a free Training Session and Support Midcoast Humane Goals Webinar Are you ready to get serious about setting goals for 2019? This 20 minute webinar will give you the tools and strategies that help create meaningful goals and then accomplish them. Are you looking for inspiration? Join our free Facebook Group:
Join our free private FaceBook Group - Healthy Living with Wilcox Wellness & Fitness to connect with us live. Daily we post all things healthy living - pro tips for healthy living, recipes, and weekly workouts for you to do at home. We will answer any question you post and we encourage you get involved in the discussion. I am over the moon excited to be welcoming two AMAZING trainers to my team! Paul Leach II and Tennyson Tappan.At Wilcox Wellness & Fitness we take our job as trainers incredibly seriously! So it stands to reason that I took my job of hiring two INCREDIBLE people for my trainer team very, very seriously. Our trainers are trainers because they are passionate about helping others. Our trainers are dedicated to Supporting clients through the challenges of a fitness program. Assisting them as they overcome mental and physical obstacles. Celebrating successes and honoring each person's progress. I am experiencing an immense amount of gratitude in having Paul and Tennyson as part of the WILCOX team. The passion that they bring to their job as a personal trainer is evident from the minute you meet them. They each have different personal backgrounds and experience in the field, and it is this diversity that excites me the most. At Wilcox Wellness & Fitness we are about continual improvement. We strive each and every day to become better. To raise each member of the team up through constructive guidance and feedback. To expand our knowledge and practice for the sake of the client experience. I can't wait to learn from Tennyson & Paul. I have no doubt that I will learn a great deal about personal training as well as be inspired what drives each of them to be their very best at what they do. Allow me to introduce you to them....
Paul strives to support clients at all stages of their fitness journey by creating effective training sessions for clients and helping them have fun in the process. Paul has an amazing energy and always has a smile on his face. His true passion lies in helping people accomplish their goals, and I know that as soon as you meet Paul you'll immediately recognize these amazing qualities of his personality. I am so excited to welcome Paul to the WILCOX team!!
Tennyson's heart and passion for helping others is evident as soon as you meet him. I was impressed by how naturally Tennyson coached and supported clients during a practice training session. He has the ability to put anyone at ease with a new routine, and instinctively meets clients where they are, eager to support them in visualizing their health & fitness journey. Tennyson's goal as a personal trainer is to show people that fitness doesn't have to be all about getting the reps in. He wants to help people recognize how fitness can empower you both physically and emotionally, enabling you to conquer all that life has to throw at you, and to live your very best life. Please join me in welcoming Tennyson & Paul to Wilcox Wellness & Fitness, Brunswick! We are making incredible progress in getting closer to opening day! Tennyson & Paul will be starting their on-boarding and training on January 2nd here in Brunswick, and will be training with Mike Wilcox in Bangor the week of January 7th. Stay tuned for updates on Charity Workouts that we will be hosting! Come in to meet us, learn about us, and train with us all while supporting some great local charitable organizations! Happy Training! Allison Goals Webinar Are you ready to get serious about setting goals for 2019? This 20 minute webinar will give you the tools and strategies that help create meaningful goals and then accomplish them. Don't forget to hydrate this winter!
Up to 60% of our body is comprised of water! Water is critically important to health of every single one of our cells, and it's easy to get dehydrated in the dry winter air. Download a short PDF that talks about the benefits of drinking water and strategies to drink enough water to hydrate your body.
There's no doubt that it's the challenges we face in life that make us stronger, and give us the opportunities to grow, and to become more than we ever imagined.
A few years ago, while in the midst of a job change I was driving and listening to NPR. There was a story about a competitor in the Iditarod, a nearly 1000 mile race across the Alaskan tundra, encompassing nine days through isolated territory, steep climbs, below freezing temperatures, and darkness. I remember contemplating the challenges that I faced ahead as I listened to the story about the race. I remember how one musher talked about the challenge of the race.
When asked why one would put themselves through this kind of experienced, the champion replied that it's the challenges that we face in life that allow us to grow, and continue to strive to be our very best.
Without facing challenges our lives can become stagnant, and we cease to grow. We cease to look beyond what we believe is possible.
We cease to strive to be our best.
Last week, as I prepared for my debut television appearance on Good Morning Maine in Bangor, I thought about this story about the Iditarod racers. If they could face all of the perils of the Alaskan wilderness, for NINE DAYS, over ONE THOUSAND MILES, in treacherous conditions, surely I could manage 3 1/2 minutes on live TV!
The experience was incredible! We arrived early and sat on the couch watching Blake Lipton and Gina Marini deliver the morning news to the Bangor community. And then it happened. Blake and Gina came over the couch during the commercial break. The cameras turned towards us. We made some pleasant small talk, which helped to ease my nervousness, and before I knew it.....
The count down to live began.....Three.....Two....One.....
And there I was, sitting on the couch next co-owner of Wilcox Wellness & Fitness in Bangor, Paige Wilcox. Blake is introducing us.
I'm wondering where do I look? At Blake? At Paige as she's talking? At the camera?
It doesn't matter....just smile!
The questions were asked....and then they were answered. I found it so easy because I knew the answers to these questions deep in my heart. I believe in what I'm doing. I am inspired by what has already been done in Bangor. I'm passionate about what I want to contribute to my community and to the business.
And then it was over. I had done it. I felt amazing!
Don't let your fears hold you back. Embrace the challenge. Use it as an opportunity. An opportunity for YOU. To be your BEST. To go after your fullest potential. Fear holds us back. It gives us excuses to not try. It keeps us stagnant. Embrace the challenge!
Even if you stumble, even if you fall, you will grow. You will learn. You will become better because of it.
Happy Training!!
Allison Wilcox Wellness & Fitness, Brunswick
Is fear holding you back from your goals? Or maybe you just don't know where to start?
This 20-minute goal setting workshop has the potential to change everything!
Gain confidence, increase your momentum and add more awesomeness to your life.
We will cover:
This Goals Workbook is designed to take you through the process of designing your very best life and setting goals and smashing them! Click the button below to receive your Goals Workbook.
Join our Healthy Living FaceBook Group
Join our free private FaceBook Group - Healthy Living with Wilcox Wellness & Fitness to connect with us live. Daily we post all things healthy living - pro tips for healthy living, recipes, and weekly workouts for you to do at home. We will answer any question you post and we encourage you get involved in the discussion.
I don't know about you, but holidays have a knack for creating a time warp, and I realized that I'm behind my writing. The long holiday weekend was bitter sweet as I enjoyed time with friends and family, but I was also feeling an intense sense of needing to keep at it! As of last Friday, after nearly 12 years in my job with a scientific supply distribution company, and working with an amazing group of people who became friends and a certain kind of family, I concluded my last day in order to pursue this dream. It's an incredible feeling to suddenly be "all in", something that I had been yearning for throughout the planning process, but when it becomes reality there's no feeling quite like it! And with only three days under my belt being "all in" before the long holiday weekend I found myself itching to keep busy with my to do list. I've been busy interviewing some amazing candidates for my trainer team, working with the RE Management crew to get the renovations completed, and starting to get some ideas on paper in terms of marketing materials with the goal of helping the community get a really good sense of what Wilcox Wellness & Fitness is all about. And then, with the holiday weekend all of the intensity associated with the work seemed to fall into a lull as people took the much deserved time to relax with friends and family and reflect on what they are personally thankful for. I knew that I should be doing the same thing, but I felt a sense of nervous energy consume me at the lack of being able to keep the progress moving forward. So, I took this as an opportunity to take some deep breaths and genuinely take a step back to really reflect on what I'm thankful for, because God knows that there's a lot! As I look to the end of 2018 and the start of a new year, I am thankful for the opportunities ahead. I am incredibly excited to be starting my own business in the health and wellness industry through the opening of the first franchise location of Wilcox Wellness & Fitness. I have watched my friends Paige & Mike Wilcox start Wilcox Wellness & Fitness in Bangor 6 years ago, and grow it to an amazingly inspirational business that supports their clients in enhancing every aspect of their lives through healthful living. It is a privilege to be supporting the Wilcox Mission in my local community of Brunswick. It is amazing to feel so completely passionate and driven in one's work, with the hopes of making a positive impact on the place where I live, and to reconnect with the community close to where I once grew up. I'm thankful for my husband, Eric, and my Mom who have both provided me a consistent and ever loving stream of encouragement and support. ![]() I hung a picture of my dog Moe on the wall of my office to remind me of those closest to me, and how it's all about the little things that matter most, such kayaking with Eric and Moe during the warm summer months, or the love that my Mom gives to all of us, including the dog, every day of the week. ![]() A lot has been going on at the space and I'm feeling very excited and thankful for the progress that has been made. The flooring was delivered recently, and the RE Management crew working on the renovation rallied to help me get all 4500lbs through the door! Now that's something to be thankful for! The front entry is looking amazing, and I am so grateful for the incredible work that Paul Kelley did on the front reception desk. Look at that craftsmanship!! And, as I drove away on Wednesday evening I noticed a big surprise! ![]() My sign was installed earlier in the day. It looks amazing illuminated at night. So, like I said, I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season. Both for my friends and family, and all that I have in my life, as well as for the incredible progress that is happening at the space. I can't wait to share this incredible space and training experience with the Brunswick community!! Happy Training! Allison Hopkins Wilcox Wellness & Fitness, Brunswick Keep in touch! Join our free private FaceBook Group - Healthy Living with Wilcox Wellness & Fitness to connect with us live. Daily we post all things healthy living - pro tips for healthy living, recipes, and weekly workouts for you to do at home. We will answer any question you post and we encourage you get involved in the discussion.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/WilcoxHealthyLiving/ Progress is Happening!The renovation of the space is coming along at 275 Bath Road in Brunswick! We are very excited about the opening of Wilcox Wellness & Fitness Mid Coast, which is slated for January 2019. The renovation team is working feverishly to get the final touches finished up so that I can begin to put my finishing touches in preparation for opening. I ordered the flooring today and coordinated with the renovation team to get the front desk built. I also ordered the office furniture so I can start getting our consultation room set up for people interested in visiting with us to learn more about how we will support our clients in their personal journey in enhancing their lives through living a healthful lifestyle. I completed my first week of training with Mike & Paige Wilcox last week in Bangor and learned so much!! I have been so inspired by the work of the Wilcox team in Bangor and cannot wait to be working with the Brunswick community to help people be their best selves through healthy living. We are planning on hosting a number of events in December to help the community learn more about who we are. We’ll be planning a wellness fair as well as free workouts for the community. If you or your friends live in the Brunswick area, be sure to sign up to our mailing list at www.wilcoxwellnessfitness.com/brunswickmaine to stay abreast of all of the progress that is yet to come over the next several weeks. Are you or someone you know passionate about helping others and is a certified personal trainer? Check out our career page to learn more about being part of the WILCOX Team! www.wilcoxwellnessfitness.com/brunswick---personal-trainer-career.html Training Space Under Construction! ![]() I am so excited about how the space is coming along! We have over 4600 square feet to work with and it's going to be AWESOME! ![]() In the training space all of the drop ceilings were removed to expose the metal rafters. It makes the space feel incredibly open. Ceiling fans will be installed soon to ensure that we have the perfect environment for an amazing workout! Entryway and "Front of House" The blue walls look incredible and make for a really welcoming entryway. It's a great large space with plenty of room for our "Peak Performance System" warmup & cool down area. Consultation Room I didn't include pictures, but our private showers are coming along really well and I'm really excited to see the finished product. I can't wait to show this amazing space off to the Brunswick Community!
Be sure to join our mailing list! As soon as construction is completed we'll be hosting a number of community events to help you learn more about what we're all about. I'll be posting weekly on this blog page with updates to the renovation, more about what inspires me to help others in their health & fitness journey, and more information about upcoming events. I hope you'll check back often and join the conversation! |
AuthorHi! My name is Allison Hopkins and I am the owner of Wilcox Wellness & Fitness in Brunswick, ME. I am excited to bring WILCOX to Brunswick and share in my passion for living a great life through health and fitness. Archives
December 2024