Do you want to hear something crazy?! I was reminded the other day about our tendency as human beings to have A LOT of negative thoughts about ourselves each day. Did you know that a person thinks 60,000 thoughts per day and 75% of those are negative!?! That means that we have 45,000 negative thoughts each day. I first realized that I wasn't the only person who would engage in negative self talk a few years ago when someone recommended the book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. I now know that I'm not alone in thinking that everyone else had it all together and that I somehow was the only person on earth fearful of all kinds of things I thought might be wrong with me, or of all of the reasons that people may not like me, or how I presented myself in a conversation with someone who I respected...the list goes on. I also know all too well that when we allow ourselves to listen to these negative thoughts that we have we can easily start to begin thinking that they're true, and that's just not the case! It's no wonder so many people are so unhappy, and why we have a tendency to get so stressed out. When I realized that so many other people were experiencing the same self doubt that I had it made me feel so sad, because I know that we are all so much more than what we sometimes think of ourselves. I just started reading an incredible book by Gabriele Bernstein called "Super Attractor". In this book the author takes this problem a step further and suggests that when we align ourselves with these negative thoughts that we are actually inviting "the universe" to create more resistance and difficulty in our lives. When we align ourselves with positive thoughts we invite the universe to bring more joy, and more intuitive creativity, problem solving and overall ease into our lives. This may seem like a bit of hokum, to steal a word from the infamous Sheldon Cooper, but I have experienced this phenomenon in my own life. I've noticed in over decades, and in all different periods of my life. I can't believe it's just a coincidence. Have you ever noticed how when you're operating in a low frequency of negativity that things are just harder, and when you're vibrating at a higher frequency things come easier, life feels more fulfilling, and success feels more attainable? The concept around the power of attraction makes so much sense to me because I have experienced it first hand. As a new business owner I've found myself going down the rabbit hole of these feelings of self doubt. Starting a business is the hardest work I've ever done and I just don't have time to make things harder for me by listening to this nonsense that sometimes takes up residence inside my head, and neither do you! What is incredible is that we have the ability to consciously redirect our thoughts to those that bring joy, inspiration, and soul fire enthusiasm to our lives, and through those thoughts increase our vibrational frequency and therefore attract more high frequency outcomes. Gabriel Bernstein offers up a simple three step process to help redirect your vibrational energy. This advice can apply to so many areas where we struggle in our lives. Step 1: Acknowledge the negative thoughts that you have. Step 2: Be thankful for the experiences that have led you to these negative thoughts, because it is through those experiences that you are able to know what you want and don't want in life. Step 3: Choose a different Path. Imagine your life absent of the fear, insecurity, and any other negative emotions that are tied to these thoughts. Imagine all of the pieces that would change your current situation into one of joy, freedom and love. This could mean making major life style changes, removing negative influences from your life, getting a different job, asking for help and support from those you trust, etc. Once you get a clear vision of the life you want start making steps towards living that life. This may seem overly simple, but that's just it! Being happy doesn't have to be complicated. For some reason we feel like happiness requires hard work and sacrifice. But in reality we are creating hard work and sacrifice for all that we love through the negativity that we allow in our minds. My challenge to you this week is to bring awareness to the negative thoughts that you have in your head. Call that voice out and tell it that you don't believe what you're being told. Choose a different path. A path of joy, happiness, freedom and love.
I hope that this provides you with some helpful insights that will give you the power to take control of the thoughts you have and how you feel about yourself. I know that you're awesome. The people around you know that you're awesome. And I want you to know, without a doubt, that you are awesome.
Lots of Love, Allison
Health & Safety Procedures for Attending Training Sessions at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness, Brunswick8/5/2020 We are so excited to welcome you! The health and safety of you, our community, and our team is our #1 priority. We hope that the policies and procedures that we have put into place will help you feel really confident and comfortable joining us at the gym. This webpage will give you all of the information you will need to understand the policy for attending in-person training sessions. We are using the CDC as guidance in forming our policies, but will make decisions that best serve the needs of our community and provide the safest environment possible during COVID-19. We take our COVID policies seriously and appreciate everyone's cooperation as we find our way through this challenging time. Steps taken to decrease risk of COVID-19 while training inside of the gym:
Please SCROLL DOWN a Q&A section, which includes a list of our favorite masks. If you have additional questions that are not addressed on this page please contact me at [email protected]. Interested in learning more about our programs? I'd love to chat! Schedule a call with me by clicking the button below. We've got ANSWERS to your QUESTIONS! Q: What are the policies for visiting the gym when returning to Maine from out of state or international travel?
A: We follow all of the current Maine CDC Guidelines for quarantine and/or testing when returning to Maine from Travel. More information on the current state requirements can be found HERE. If you have traveled out of state you may return to the gym under the following conditions: Q: Will a warm up and cool down be included in the training session? A: Yes it will! Feel free to arrive 15 minutes early to perform your SMR - foam rolling. Then the trainer will take you through a dynamic warm up as part of the 45 minute training session. Q: Can I continue my cool down after the training session is over? A: We encourage you to stay after your training session to go through a short cool down. Please keep your mask on at all times and maintain distance to the best of your ability. Q: Where can I put my mask when I take it off? A: At the present time masks must be worn during the training session. Q: When can I remove my mask? A: At the present time you must wear your mask while in your training session. I will re-evaluate this policy as transmission levels decrease and children under 12 years of age are able to be vaccinated. Q: Can I stop wearing my mask to the gym once I am fully vaccinated? A: At this time you are still required to wear your mask even if you are fully vaccinated. Unfortunately, we are seeing people who are vaccinated test positive for COVID-19, and as an added precaution to our community and to our loved ones at home I am asking that masks be worn at all times. Q: Are there masks that you recommend for use when exercising? A: Yes, there are several masks that we have tested and like for use when exercising:
Q: Do I have to choose INDOOR or LIVEStream Training Sessions? A: No - we want to keep this as flexible as possible for you. In our group training program, you may attend any of these sessions - just sign up as always via Pike13 with a 1-hour notice. Note: All Early Bird Sessions require enrollment 8 hours in advance so that the trainers have time to prepare for you. **AT THE PRESENT TIME LIVESTREAM TRAINING IS NOT ON OUR SCHEDULE, BUT I DO ANTICIPATE IT RETURNING AS WE APPROACH THE FALL AND WINTER MONTHS. STAY TUNED. Q: Do I need to buy new shoes to wear indoors? A: No - we just want you to wear clean indoor shoes. This policy existed before COVID and helps us keep our gym clean. You can clean an "old" pair of shoes and dedicate them to the gym going forward. Q: What if I forget my indoor sneakers? A: Please thoroughly clean the soles of your sneakers so that you don't track dirt into the gym. Q: How do I know that the equipment I'm using is clean? A: Since the start of this pandemic we have learned that COVID-19 is not spread on surfaces. However, we do have sanitizer available around the gym, so if it helps you feel safer please feel free to clean your equipment before you use it. Q: Can I use the showers? A: Yes. Showers are open without any restrictions. They are cleaned routinely by professional cleaners. We have towels available for you to place on the floor to stand on. Q: What if I have seasonal allergies that are causing me to have a cough or sore throat? Am I not allowed at the gym? A: If you have symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19 please consult with your healthcare professional about getting tested for COVID-19. If your symptoms are consistent with allergies please be mindful of washing your hands after touching your face and wear your mask at all times. Do you have other questions not addressed here? Please email me at [email protected] and I'll gladly address your questions.
I'd throw in a couple of bags of cookies and a chocolate bar or two. After all, this should all last the month, and we are in a national health crisis so it seems reasonable to have a little extra guilty pleasures on hand to help us find our way through it, right? This was all well and good for a month or so, but for me things have been relatively "back to normal" for a good month. The grocery store is a civilized place again and I don't feel as if I need to consolidate my shopping. I've regained my routine, and a sense of control of the situation. But I have NOT regained a sense of control when it comes to sugar. For me when this happens I know that I just need to cut out the sugar for a week or two and regroup, and I'm always glad that I did.
I don't know about you, but mustard with sugar and mustard without sugar tastes the same to me and I prefer to not waste the sugar that I eat on something that doesn't even bring me some extra joy. The thing about sugar is that it causes way more problems than a little weight gain. Sugar is a major contributor to inflammation. Inflammation is a major player in healing, but if it runs wild it can lead to big problems. With chronic inflammation , your body is on high alert all the time, and this prolonged state of emergency can cause lasting damage to your heart, brain and other organs. Sugar can also lead to painful joints, lack of energy, difficulty sleeping, mental health struggles such as depression and anxiety, increased risk for diabetes, and increased risk of certain cancers. It's easy to ignore these concerns until they become a big problem, so if a little vanity will help to encourage you to decrease the added sugars in your diet you may find it interesting to know that sugar is a major cause of acne and it interferes with collagen and elastin, which effects how firm your skin looks, and will increase the rate of aging! Sugar fills up your body with empty calories and has no nutritional benefit whatsoever. These are such good reasons to give it the boot! Another topic that often comes up when I'm talking about nutritional habits with new clients is a strong determination to reduce or even eliminate fat in the diet. We've been told for a long time that fat is bad, and we've gotten into a bad habit of paying closer attention to fat in our foods than we do sugar. And the thing is, we need healthy fat in our diets. Our brains are made up primarily of fat and it needs to have fat in the diet in order to function properly, sending signals across synapses. Furthermore, when inflammatory cells, which are exacerbated by sugar, hang around for too long in blood vessels, they promote the buildup of dangerous plaque. For so long we think about plaque in our arteries as a problem with fat in our foods but it's actually sugar. And what's worse is that all of those low fat foods have a lot more added sugar than the full fat version because without it the food would taste terrible! The next time you're at the grocery store compare the amount of sugar in a full fat version of a food compared to the low fat version. I bet you'll be surprised! Kicking sugar is HARD! It is literally an addiction and the first few days of eliminating added sugar can feel pretty brutal, but it's totally worth the effort! I came across a little tidbit of information my reading over the years about how sugar and gut health are related, and when I think about this it gives me a little extra incentive to kick the sugar habit. I'll share with you in hopes that you can use it to your advantage too! When we eat sugar we are literally feeding sugar loving bacteria that exist in our gut. Although these bacteria are simple organisms they're smart enough to stay alive, and they do this by sending signals to our brains that tell us to eat more sugar. When we are not eating sugar those bacteria can get pretty upset. They are fighting for their lives, sending strong signals to our brains in order to preserve their life. When I'm feeling those cravings I just think about how I'm literally killing off those bacteria that are serving to be a very bad influence on my decision making. On the flip side, when we eat healthy nutritious foods we are feeding the bacteria that thrive on healthy, whole foods. Just as with the sugar loving bacteria they will send signals to our brain that tell us to eat more healthy, nutritious foods. Have you ever noticed how once you get into habit of eating better foods that you actually start to enjoy those foods more and start craving them? This is why! So just remember, when you are craving sugar it's because you're successfully killing off those bad bacteria, and when you start craving broccoli it's because you're doing an amazing job feeding those good, beneficial bacteria!
I hope that I have provided a little extra inspiration to take a look at the sugar that may be sneaking into your diet! I wrote in this blog about how our gut health plays a big role in how we crave sugar, but it also plays a huge role in our overall health, affecting not just our digestion and sugar cravings, but also our mood, energy, aches and pains, and even our brain function.
Your gut is the host to an entire microbiome of bacteria – an estimated 100 trillion of them! Keeping those bacteria happy, healthy, and in balance is a big part of a wellness lifestyle. As you can imagine, what you eat plays a very important role. If you're looking to learn more check out our Gut Health Guide. In this guide, we outline the basics of gut health. Plus, we've included lots of delicious recipes. I hope you LOVE IT! |
AuthorHi! My name is Allison Hopkins and I am the owner of Wilcox Wellness & Fitness in Brunswick, ME. I am excited to bring WILCOX to Brunswick and share in my passion for living a great life through health and fitness. Archives
August 2024