I am a conference junkie. Personal development - professional development - I love it all - and I’ve been to a lot. I feel like this format of learning cracks open a special part of me. It takes you away from the day to day and allows you to think about your business and life from a place of greater perspective. The exercise in the 3,000 person ballroom was to turn to the person on your right and scream as loud as you could all of your deepest desires. Lucky for him - the person on my right was not Mike - he was a 67 year old accountant from Iowa. And I play full out. I don’t hold back. I started screaming “I WANT TO LIVE AN EPIC LIFE. I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I WANT TO HELP PEOPLE LIVE BETTER.” He couldn’t get past the epic life part. What is an epic life he asked me after. I told him an epic life to me meant loving the work that I do. Being able to work from anywhere in the world. Traveling with my kids. Adventuring. And creating a lasting impact in the community. In that moment I realized that an epic life means something different to everyone. I am curious - what is your definition of an epic life?
Ever wonder how your life would be different if you chose a different path? It still blows my mind that I met Mike on a blind date 17 years ago this March. It blows my mind that my COLLEGE PROFESSOR (his client) hunted us both down for 3 months because she thought that we had to know each other. It blows my mind all of the events that had to align for me to be able to work in this business and live this life that I love so much. Right now, our life is chaotic - we’ve got a lot going on in the business, our kids have no chill, and our new puppy prefers to poop inside. (Literally as I write this at 8:14am on a Tuesday Mike is cleaning up the second round of puppy poop for the morning - send help!) But… I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. What about you? Are you thankful for the path you’re walking, or are you looking to make a change? What makes a rich man worry and a poor man hope? They say, “this too shall pass.” When you are in the very early stages of starting your health and fitness journey - you can sometimes feel overwhelmed with how far you have to go and how hard the first few training sessions feel. I know want you to know, this phase won’t last forever. Once you get a few weeks under your belt you will start settling into a new routine. You will find ways to make it easier for you and your life. And your training sessions will become more manageable because you will learn your body better and you will learn how to pace yourself inside the sessions. My best advice for this stage of your health and fitness journey: take each moment as just that—a moment. It gets better… I promise. What season are you in? Are you still in the early starting phase or are you a more seasoned veteran? Hunched over reading this right now? Most people are, and poor posture is the thing that causes pain in the body. The core is the powerhouse of the body, and it directly impacts EVERYTHING from your breathing and posture to your workouts. So for anyone who finds themselves slouching more often than not, it might be a sign that it’s time to strengthen those core muscles. To help you out, I’ve created a FREE guide that gives you some amazing core exercises you can do no matter what your level of fitness. Inside, you'll find easy-to-follow workouts and exercises that target not just your abs, but ALL of the muscles in your midsection, from top to bottom, back to front! These short core workouts are so simple, you can do them while you’re: ✅ Watching TV ✅ Waiting for your coffee to brew ✅ After your leg day or arm day workout ✅ Getting ready for bed ✅ Or even on your lunch break in your office! So, are you ready to supercharge your life with a strong core? If you feel like you’re not moving fast enough, remember this: Just as a seed doesn’t turn into a tree the day after it’s planted, neither do your efforts.
Those seeds need nurturing, care, and time to grow before they turn into the plant they’re intended to be, just as your commitment to your health and fitness! So even if you aren’t seeing results right now - there is a lot of work going on under the surface to push you in the right direction. Keep going, friend… Your time to shine is right around the corner. Drop a heart emoji if this gave you the encouragement you needed today! ❤️ Welcome To Your Hip Opener Series This is series is packed with THREE stretches that will open up your hips from every direction! These all feel GREAT while you’re doing them, and they’re perfect for the next time you’re watching TV or want to unwind after work. Before we dive in, here’s the deal with your hips: they can get tight either by being active (running, biking, etc.) or inactive (sitting or standing in one place). And that tightness can set you up for a chain reaction of pain and/or discomfort leading to:
Kneeling Lunge Hip Flexor Stretch- Get into a half-kneeling position on the floor. Your left knee should be on the floor, with your right leg in front of you, knee bent at a 90-degree angle, and right foot on the floor. - Tuck your pelvis slightly to keep your spine aligned as you feel the stretch in your hip flexor. Hold for 5-10 seconds, relax your hips, and repeat for a total of 10 reps. - Next, target your inner thigh by moving your right leg out to the side so that your right foot is pointed slightly toward the side wall. Gently let your body sink toward your knee, and hold for 15-30 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. 2. Leg Crossover Stretch- Lie on your back on the floor, your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Your arms should be stretched straight out to your sides from your shoulders, palms facing up. - Brace your core and pull your shoulders down and back from your ears and try to hold that position during this stretch. - Cross your left leg over your right, with your left ankle on your right knee. Gently press your left knee away from your body to increase the stretch. - Now, slowly drop your knees to your right, so that your left foot rests on the floor, trying not to arch your back. Hold for 15-30 seconds and repeat on the other side. 3. Seated Butterfly StretchSit on the floor with your legs folded in front of you. Sit tall, and brace your abs to keep your spine stable. - Tip forward from your hips, lowering your elbows so they rest on your inner thighs to press your legs toward the floor. - Keep your spine and neck aligned (don’t round them forward). Hold for 15-30 seconds and return to the starting position. Try doing those exercises as a circuit, and repeat 2-3 times through. Your hips (and core!) will thank you.
January 2025