Everyone is just... so... BUSY! You are on the run all the time. Sometimes you are just trying to survive running from meeting to meeting, event to event - there is not much time in there for meal prep. We are pulled in so many different directions. We have responsibilities at home, busy careers, and involvement in community events that keep us on the run and away from our kitchens that we have stocked with the most nutritious of foods ;).
It can be challenging to stay on point in terms of nutrition when we are on the run and out of our routine. Challenging, yes… impossible… not at all. Included here is a free PDF with our best strategies, tips and tricks to help you stay on point when you are on the run.
Mike has always been interested in helping people live their very best life and has been putting his Community Health Degree to improve the health of our community. Mike wants more for people – he wants to show people how they can live their very best life by setting a foundation of health and fitness. Mike believes that he has the best job in the world! On a daily basis, he gets to see beautiful transformations in people. These transformations are hard earned and come when people have the confidence to fight through their fears, accomplish tasks they never before thought possible, and as a result become more confident, happy people. There is nothing better than being a part of someone else’s success! Mike is motivated by the ripple effect that comes with healthy living. Not only do the clients in the program reap enormous benefits, but all of the people that our clients come into contact with get to see a confident, happy, and healthy person that hopefully inspires them to invest time and energy in their own life. Mike personally commits to healthy living because he wants to be able to go for a hike at anytime, take an active vacation without worry, and play with my kids and grandkids without fear of injury or embarrassment. This keeps him motivated to maintain his health, and his strength and endurance. When you commit to healthy living, you are able to live your life without limitations – you can do all the things you want to do (and more)! When you are a healthy person, you are an able person – able to live your life to the very fullest. For us… this is what it is all about! Thank you Mike, for being an inspiration to us all!
Happy Training! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness Schaeffer Grierson joined our team in August of 2016 and we couldn’t be happier that she did! Schaeffer brings such a positive energy to everything that she does. She is 100% all in in helping our clients live their very best lives through health and fitness. Schaeffer is incredibly empathetic and compassionate as she supports people on their health and fitness journey.
Schaeffer has had her own battles with her weight. She has been overweight, she has been underweight, and she has now found true peace through healthful living. Schaeffer embarked on her own health and fitness journey because she didn’t have the energy to do the things she wanted to do in life and she just felt terrible…. The process of forming a healthy lifestyle on her own wasn’t easy and she regrets that she didn’t reach out to a coach or a trainer to help her with her transformation. She became a personal trainer because she wanted to share her story so that others didn’t have to go through the same pain she went through. Schaeffer wants everyone to know that you are not defined by a number on a scale. When you commit to healthy living – not just diet and exercise, everything in your life will improve. You will begin to see more clearly and you will have less stress. Life just gets so much better. Thank you Schaeffer! We are so excited to celebrate Katie Norwood’s promotion to senior trainer at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness! Katie started training with us in 2013. Katie fully embraces our mission to help people enhance their lives by forming healthy habits they can sustain for a lifetime. Katie is a passionate trainer and brightens the days of anyone she interacts with. We are so proud of Katie’s hard work and dedication to helping others achieve success. Here are a few of our favorite quotes from Katie… Thank you Katie for brightening all of our days!
People have so many ideas of what trainers do, what trainers think, and what it is like to be a part of a fitness facility. It takes a lot of guts to walk in the front door.
What you might not know is that personal trainers are some of the most kind, caring, and compassionate people you will ever meet. Our BDN article is up: What your Personal Trainer wants you to know... Our senior, trainer, Katie Norwood wants you to know that trainers are not here to judge you. Schaeffer Grierson wants you to know that she is 100% on your team. Mike Wilcox wants you to know that healthy living doesn’t need to be so hard. Keep reading... http://bit.ly/2iWstHV It is very important that we play close attention to our health and beauty products. Look to get organic or all natural products to avoid extra exposure to chemicals. Take a look at the illustration below, as you can see our health and beauty products are filled with chemicals that can disrupt your hormone balance and wreak havoc on your overall health. Check out the complete article on the BDN: Happy Training!
Wilcox Wellness & Fitness |
January 2025