This may surprise you: I take about 15 minutes every Sunday to plan through my week and it has completely transformed how I show up as a business owner.
This simple process saves me so much time and mental energy. Even though my priority is pushing our business forward, the first thing that I do is plan my training sessions for the week. I schedule those in to create anchors to schedule everything else around. Then, I plan our meals for the week. And when I am moving my body and nourishing myself right, I feel so much better and I can show up as a better version of myself and create better work. I am realizing now, that this is not something that most people do but I would encourage you - just as I encourage all of our clients to do this. Just take a few minutes on a Sunday and think through your week - it will change everything. Are you up for the challenge? Do you already do this?
If you don’t make time for your wellness, eventually you will have to make time for your illness.
So... here is 10 ways to find time for your fitness. Isn't it just amazing that the difference between hot water and actually powering a TRAIN is one degree?
Just one degree. This is what we do at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness – we help you increase the intensity in your life so that you can get exceptional results. Imagine what your life would be like if every single day you decided, you made the commitment that you were going to get just one degree better every single day. We believe that health and fitness is a strategic leverage point. By making the commitment to change your physiology, you can gain momentum in all other aspects of your life. It is not about overcoming the obstacles in the gym, it is the confidence you gain by overcoming those obstacles that gives you strength. We would love to show you the way - if you are feeling inspired and feeling ready - be sure to check out our FREE TRIAL Program. Recently a client reached out to me, telling me that she was feeling defeated and discouraged because there are movements that are difficult for her. Here is what I told her…
If I could wave a magic wand for people in the beginning it would be to help you put on blinders, focus on the long game, and not compare yourself to anyone else. You say that you want to give every session 110% and that is a great sentiment - but the truth is, that really isn't sustainable. So many people only want to show up if they can give 120% effort. But the secret is - what really matters is the days when you show up when you didn't want to and all you've got to give is 2%. That builds character. That builds gumption. That builds trust because you've made a promise to yourself and you've kept it. And you know what - After consistently showing up - you will want to ramp up the intensity - your body will be ready for it and it will feel really good and soon yesterday's 120% effort is todays 2% effort." This health and fitness game is 99% mindset - you can not allow yourself to feel defeated. Every single day is going to be different (and this applies to EVERYONE - even Mike and even Katie). There are days that you can really go for it and there are days that you just need to show up and give your 2%. The goal is CONSISTENCY - consistently working toward building the muscle of habit. Drinking your water, nourishing yourself well, and showing up for your training sessions. The rest will take care of itself. That movements that we train with here are difficult and there are ALWAYS modifications to every single movement. If ever there is a movement that feels to challenging - please ask for a modification. No one is going to be offended and no one is going to care one way or another. If you trained with me, you would notice but I do this ALL THE TIME in my training sessions. A few things - I don't jump rope - because it makes me pee my pants and I don't like being in pee pants for my training session. I get a modification in EVERY training session for this and I am not embarrassed to admit it because I know that the trainer will give me an alternative that will be right for me. Another example from a recent training session - we were doing hamstring curls on the TRX - and there were people in there that were BRAND NEW TO EXERCISE (I own this personal training business and I have been at this fitness thing consistently for the last 9 years) AND people 2x my age and they were doing the curls no problem. If I were to compare myself to those other, I would have been very defeated, but I have trained my mindset to NEVER compare myself to others. To me - it felt terrible behind my knees and I didn't want to risk an injury. I simply waited and got a modification - no big deal. You belong here, I promise. We are here to support you every single step of the way. So, here is my best advice: Keep your head held high, put on those blinders, commit to the long game, do what is right for you, and be proud of yourself every single step of the way. Want to get more out of your training sessions?
Getting intentional about your post-workout recovery is key for seeing quicker results AND for keeping your motivation up. In our FREE Post-Training Recovery Guide, we will show you how to incorporate a super-simple recovery routine you’ll actually look forward to. Grab your copy for FREE here! >> I see you... I see you skipping training sessions because you’re still sore from the last one. I see you sprinting out of the gym right when your training session wraps up.
And I am begging you to stop that. Your body needs some time to cool down, chill out, and recover. Post-training recovery is just as important as our actual workouts to get the results we want… AND powering through, skipping rest days, and not getting the right fuel after you hit the gym can seriously slow your progress. If you want to get more out of your training sessions, our Post-Training Recovery Guide will help you: ✔️ Train smarter so you’re not overworking ✔️ Keep your energy levels up with a simple cool-down routine ✔️ Learn easy stretches to prevent injury & pain ✔️ Fuel your body to support lean muscle growth ✔️ And make a few simple lifestyle shifts to accelerate your results! Download our Post-Training Recovery Guide for FREE here >> If you’re working out consistently, eating well, and NOT seeing results…
Your post-training recovery may be the missing link. Although you DO have to show up and do the work, a solid post-training recovery plan is KEY to getting great results. In our Post-Training Recovery Guide, you’ll learn: ✔️ How to train smarter so you’re not overtraining ✔️ A simple post-workout cool-down routine to keep your energy levels up ✔️ Easy stretches to prevent injury & pain ✔️ The best post-workout fuel to support lean muscle growth ✔️ And foolproof lifestyle tips to promote better overall health! Get our new FREE Post-Training Recovery Guide here: This week's movement of the week is a Side to Side Ball Slam. This is a great movement for creating length (flexibility and mobility) through the side of the body. When we lift the ball and lengthen the side body, we are increasing our RANGE OF MOTION pretty dramatically. When you become very good at this type of movement, you will notice less tension in your back, shoulders, and neck!!
The overall key to this movement is patience. You will need to allow your upper body and arms to lead or facilitate the movement, then your legs will kick in. SO, it's a lift and lengthens the upper body, then allow the legs to kick in and pop over the step or Bosu. Utilize the beginning of the week to practice the mechanics (the little techniques that make this movement extremely beneficial) and then pick up the pace and power towards the end of the week. Remember: You do not want to 'notice' your arms getting tired at all. If this happens to you, it is typically because you are raising your arms up (like an overhead press) over your head. Do this instead. Keep the ball close to your side while lengthening the opposite side, then attempt to PULL the ball across your forehead to slam the ball on the other side and allow the arms to FOLLOW THROUGH. Here is your checklist: 1. Start with the ball rotated over the foot that is on the step. 2. Lengthen your torso by elevating your ribs off your hips, finding your best possible posture. 3. Lengthen the opposite side (Lats) prior to moving to the other side 4. Contract the lengthened side while driving through the foot that is on the step. 5. Finish by following through with your arms. This is not a movement that you have to do consecutive repetitions with. You can pause after each one and really allows you to understand how your body can efficiently perform this movement! Once you get it, you will love it, I promise! Happy Training, Mike I am excited to let you know that we are now offering a Custom Meal Plan Service. If you are someone that prefers a meal plan made just for you, taking into account your cooking/meal prepping style, your unique lifestyle, and the foods that you love (and don't love) then this custom meal plan service will be perfect for you.
Learn more here: Say GOODBYE to post-workout fatigue and soreness with a few simple tips that will help you recover faster and get the MOST out of your training session!
Grab your copy for FREE here >> |
December 2024