Hazen wanted to train with me today. He told me no less than 8 times that my ‘feet stink’. He was not wrong... The struggle is real with kids. Amiright?!? But... I think the lesson in all of this is to continue to show up and do the best we can with what we’ve got - stinky feet and all. Before this quarantine I would never split work with parenting. I would never show up for zoom interviews without makeup, or preparation, or a shower. But here we are. I hope my commitment to exercise teaches my kids the importance of taking care of their bodies. I hope this teaches them to enjoy challenging themselves in different ways. I hope this teaches them to show up and do the best they can with what they’ve got. So…. This is our new normal. Making it work with what we’ve got. In our LIVEStream training sessions we encourage you to come as you are and make it work with what you’ve got. Messy house - crazy kids - barking dog… don’t worry - all are welcome here and our trainers will guide you through your training session to help you feel confident and comfortable with what you’ve got. They are here to support you. They are here to encourage you. They are here to help you find a new normal through these difficult times. Want to learn more and join us?!? We would LOVE that! Check out our LIVEStream Training Program here: https://www.wilcoxwellnessfitness.com/livestream-training.html Lots of love, Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
The relationship that you form with a personal trainer is really special. I have been training 1 on 1 with Katie since my first pregnancy, 7 years ago. These sessions help build my confidence to work even harder on my form and technique in the group sessions that I attend throughout the week. I have 100% trust and confidence that she knows me and designs our training sessions to set me up for success. I also know if she says I am capable of something... that I am - even if I think it is impossible. I love my Friday sessions with Katie - she has helped me progress so much in terms of strength, coordination, and body awareness. Hope you enjoy this inside look at our last session. Hope you enjoyed this inside look at our session. We are currently onboarding new clients to our LIVEStream Training Program. Please reach out to us if you are interested! Happy Training! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! How-To Get Set Up for Success and What to Expect in a LIVEStream Personal Training Session4/24/2020 We recorded a little video to show our clients some of the best practices in getting set up for success for a LIVEStream Training Session and we thought you might also enjoy a look at the mechanics of how we are making this all work. Here is the rundown of how to get set up for success and what to expect in a LIVEStream Personal Training Session: You will register for your session – as always via Pike13. The ZOOM meeting ID is included in training session name on Pike13. You will open ZOOM and enter the meeting ID. OR – you can click the ZOOM link that is emailed to you from Pike13 with your registration confirmation. You will enter the password associated with the meeting – you will receive this after you register for your session. You will be put into a waiting room until the trainer either starts the meeting or adds you to the session. When you join the meeting you will see the gallery view – a bunch of little squares. Normally there is a couple of minutes to say HI and get your camera set up. You want to be sure that the trainer can see your full body – toes to nose! When the session kicks off, you will want to first click the 3 little dots to ‘pin the speaker’. Then switch to ‘speaker view’ – this will make it so that the trainer’s screen is the only screen that you see. The trainer will likely mute you and the rest of the participants to eliminate any distractions from the training sessions and you can huff and puff and blast your Beyonce as loud as you want. If you have a question, you can make an X with your hands and the trainer will unmute you to answer your question. Thumbs up means it's all is good! During the training session you don’t need to worry about anyone but the trainer watching you – everyone is going to be so focused on the trainer and what they are doing. You can expect to get a TON of coaching in REAL TIME to ensure proper technique and form. The trainer is coaching you from a BIG SCREEN TV in the gym and is able to help you make adjustments so that you get the most out of the training session. We are using only body weight in these training sessions. Training with bodyweight is an incredible way to learn your body, build strength, and stamina, and properly engage your muscles. Be sure to take breaks when you need them. These training sessions are HARD and they are not designed for you to make it the full time. We are always going to encourage you to take a little break when you need it so that you can come back to the movement with proper form and technique. SO that is it – hope this was helpful! Please let us know if you have any questions at all! Lots of love, Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Join our LIVEStream Group Personal Training Sessions anywhere you have an internet connection. We are coaches, we are a coaching business - our LIVEStream training sessions give you the accountability and structure of working with your personal trainer in REAL-TIME to receive REAL-TIME coaching. You can expect to get an amazing workout, receive tons of coaching to ensure proper form and technique, and feel the love of our amazing community. I'll call today a win for 3 reasons: 1: I got an outdoor LIVEStream training session 2: I trained with my SISTER who lives in TEXAS 3: The session finished just before it started raining Interested in learning more about our LIVEStream Training Sessions? Learn more here: https://www.wilcoxwellnessfitness.com/livestream-training.html Happy Training! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Our #1 focus is on coaching proper form and technique. When we had to bring our training business 100% online during COVID-19, we were so worried that that focus would get lost. Our trainers have been coaching their HEARTS out and over delivering on our trainer promise. Here is a look at my private training session with Katie. As you can see, and hear - she is on me like white on rice correcting and perfecting my form and technique. I feel so honored to work with this team and I am so proud of their ability to quickly pivot to bring the magic of their coaching skills online.
Interested in getting started with us? Let's chat! Lots of love, Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! If you’re trying to lose weight or body fat, the microbiome in your gut actually plays a HUGE role in the process! Scientists have only been studying this for a few years, but so far, the results are pretty amazing: 1) People whose weight falls in the “obese” category have different microbiome profiles than people whose weight is in the “normal” category. 2) It appears some healthy bacteria (probiotics) might actually cut back on how much fat your body absorbs. 3) Also, probiotics can play a role in your hunger hormones, making you feel less hungry. 4) Other studies show some bacteria in the Lactobacillus family (especially Lactobacillus gasseri) help with fat loss and maybe even prevent weight gain. So… what does this all mean? Adopting habits that support a healthy gut also appears to support a healthy weight! This includes getting enough sleep, eating gut-friendly foods, exercising regularly, and cutting back on stress. It’s all about creating balance and living a healthy lifestyle! We outline all of this AND MORE in our new Gut Health Guide. This new guide highlights (among other things) the importance of: Probiotics – the good bacteria in your gut & replenishing them, and Prebiotics – foods you can eat to keep those probiotics healthy and in balance. We also include a bunch of our favorite recipes for gut health. Click here to download your FREE copy of the guide.
Hope you love it! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness REFERENCE: www.healthline.com/nutrition/probiotics-and-weight-loss WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! This chai tea recipe is SO GOOD and SO GOOD for your gut health. If you’re not a tea drinker already, you might become one after trying this recipe. :-) We keep hearing about how healthy it is to eat a plant-based diet (or at least more of one)! Well... one reason is because of special plant compounds called polyphenols, which can have a huge positive impact on your health. The good news is, you don’t have to go full-on vegan to get their benefits. Researchers are still learning more about exactly HOW polyphenols work, but one thing is for sure: they are antioxidants that fight inflammation in your body. You can find polyphenols in everything from wine, grapes, and turmeric to coffee, chili peppers, and berries! … and, you guessed it, also TEA! Especially black tea. The polyphenols in tea appear to promote the growth of the good bacteria in your gut AND make it harder for bad bacteria (like salmonella) to grow. Plus, black tea contains properties that help repair the lining of your digestive tract. This recipe also contains other gut-friendly ingredients like cloves, turmeric, peppercorns, and ginger. Want more delicious gut-healthy recipes like this? Download our Gut Health Guide and Recipe Manual. In this guide, you will learn:
-What you NEED to know about your gut health -What “prebiotics” are, and which ones you should be eating more of -What you need to know about probiotics (and which to have!) -Amazing recipes with delicious ways to sneak more of both into your diet! https://wilcoxwellnessfitness.lpages.co/guthealthguide/ Your gut plays a huge role in your health, affecting not just your digestion, but your mood, energy, aches and pains, and even your brain function. Your gut is the host to an entire microbiome of bacteria – an estimated 100 trillion of them! Keeping those bacteria happy, healthy, and in balance is a big part of a wellness lifestyle. As you can imagine, what you eat plays a very important role. In this guide, we outline the basics of gut health. Plus, we've included lots of delicious recipes. Click here to download your free copy of the guide. ENJOY! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness REFERENCE: www.healthline.com/nutrition/black-tea-benefits#section4 WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
Never in a MILLION YEARS did I think that I would be recording videos of myself WORKING OUT in MY KITCHEN and posting them to social media... but here we are.
It has taken a lot for me to become comfortable in front of the camera - it is not something that I naturally enjoy... My major motivation in putting myself out here is to inspire other people to show up as they are and make a commitment to live a healthy lifestyle. My goal in life is to help other people create a lifestyle that they LOVE. So that they can have the energy to play with their kids, so that they can ENJOY all of the activities that set their soul on fire, and so that they can feel really great in their skin. So... if you see me doing really awkward star jumps in my kitchen... that's what I'm doing it for... and that is so much more important to me than feeling a little bit uncomfortable. I hope it is helpful to see another Mom just making it work. Lots of love, Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! If there’s one thing this pandemic is teaching us, it’s about the things that truly matter. Love. Family. Connection. Health. And sometimes, when things are entirely out of our control, the best thing to do is embrace the situation and figure out how to come out better on the other side. Because even though we can’t control pandemics and quarantines and governments, we can control our response and reaction to everything. And with that, I wanted to share a few important lessons I’ve taken from this new human experience we’re having... 1. Your health is your greatest asset. Because without health, you can’t truly experience life. It’s your responsibility to yourself and to others to make this a top priority. 2. You get to dictate your response to the circumstances. Whether you choose to tune into the news all day and live in fear or make the most of the situation is entirely up to you. Everyone is having different experiences in this, and although, like I said above, you can never really control external circumstances, everything internal is all you. 3. Create space for growth. Growth is one of our high-level human needs. Humans are motivated and exhilarated by growth. Whether it’s reading daily, listening to podcasts, or even starting that business you’ve always had in the back of your mind, growing yourself daily will change you fundamentally. And there’s no better time to trade Netflix for education. 4. Give more. This could be money, time, or an ear of support. There’s always someone with less who needs your help. 5. Motivation is created by you, not something that just happens to you. Many people are struggling with motivation around exercise, getting stuff done around the house, eating well, etc. Waiting for motivation means waiting a long time. Motivation comes from taking action that gets you a result. Nothing starts with motivation itself. I truly hope these lessons are insightful for you and that they inspire or empower you to really make the most of this period in time. Because, really...what other choice do we have anyway? What’s the biggest lesson you’ve taken so far from all of this? How does this instance change things for you for the better going ahead? I would love to know your perspective. Lots of love, Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! I was a class D athlete... and I rode the bench.
I got the 'sportsmanship award' in highschool and I am still very proud of that achievement. (My brother - an all-star still makes fun of my one and only trophy.) Tuck jumps, star jumps, and really anything that requires and an ounce of coordination are not my strong suits. But... that doesn't matter. Our training team is patient... they have worked with me, helped me, and supported me every step of my fitness journey. I'm still learning - we all are. I never feel self-conscious about things I can't do, or when I feel really awkward. And... it's not just me. Our training program is set up to support you, encourage you, and help you feel amazing and become the very best version of yourself. If you are interested in talking - send me a message! I am here. Lots of love, Paige Wilcox WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! |
January 2025