5 years ago, Chip made the decision to go all-in with his health and fitness. Chip is consistent and dedicated to getting better and learning every training session. He did this to put off 'aging' as much as he could so that he could continue to enjoy doing the things he loves to do. This is his story, in his words.
Lots of love, Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
You just don’t always know…...and I just felt so emotional and grateful that this person shared this and I was able to read it. And then I felt so proud of our team in Bangor - Shannon talking with her on the phone, letting her know she could do this, she was capable of making it happen. Katie, Ben, and Adam working their coaching magic every single day - you make a difference in so many people’s lives. And Paige and I living our lives to create an environment that positively impacts people’s lives. Here is the review from Tiffany: It’s so cool. Thank you, Tiffany, for expressing your experience and describing exactly what I hoped our programs would do for people.
Lots of Love, Mike WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! This high five goes to Gary and Tina Nichols. Gary and Tina have really amazing attitudes towards the shift in how they approach health, fitness, and wellness. In just a couple of months, they have really made an impression on all of us. Although this process is very new for Gary and Tina, they always show up with a lot of enthusiasm and are willing to push outside of their comfort zone. These two things alone make them so much fun to train! Overall, they both just have a great outlook on their futures here at Wilcox and we can see great things to continue happening for these two. We are excited to see their growth and their successes that will result from their dedication and hard work that they've already shown thus far! Tina & Gary - thank you for trusting us with your health and fitness journey. We feel privileged and honored to support you along your path. Lots of love! the Team at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips tricks and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living This high five goes to Shivani Pandey. Shivani’s energy is infectious, she can really lift you up just by proximity. She is always smiling, welcoming others, and starting up an interesting conversation! We have had the pleasure of working with Shivani for almost 3 years now and her commitment and consistency shine through. She is always improving, giving her best effort EVERY single training session. She works very hard and it is so much fun to see the payoff! Through all of her effort, she has transformed how her entire family approaches their health. Her family has become just as dedicated to eating great and getting exercise into the weekly routine. We hope you get the opportunity to train with Shivani and get inspired by her incredible energy! Train Smarter // Not Harder Are you ready to train smarter and not just harder? Do you want more results in less time? Are you ready to make health and fitness a part of your everyday routine? Do you want a proven plan and path to get you to where you want to go in less time, with less stress, and less worry whether you are ‘doing it right’? Want to know if you would be the right fit for our training program? Training at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness is perfect for you if: >>You are ready to increase your energy levels so that you can ENJOY all of the things in life you love to do. >>You want to feel great in your skin. Fit back into the wardrobe in your closet. And get excited about wearing a swimsuit. >>You want to build momentum through healthy living so you can gain leverage in all other aspects of your life. >>You want to be limitless. You want to be able to go for a hike with your friends or family at a moment’s notice. Get in and out of a kayak with ease. Or run a road race – just for fun. >>You need a plan. You need someone to hold you accountable and tell you exactly what to do. >>You finally want to eliminate and get control over your sugar cravings and form a healthy relationship with food. >>You want to learn how to nourish and fuel your body so that you feel great, maintain your goal weight, and not worry about counting calories or measuring portion sizes. >>You want to have a steady positive outlook on life and take care of your mental health. If you answered YES to any of the above statements then our program could be the perfect fit to help you achieve and sustain your health and fitness goals and live the life you have always imagined. Click here to learn more! This massive monster high five goes to Joe Grzybowski. Joe has been a really awesome client, who trains privately with Nick as well as in the group training program. Since Joe started training 6 months ago he has made some serious improvements in his posture and his overall movements. He is dedicated to the Peak Performance System - getting here early and staying after have been crucial to his success. Joe has an impeccable attitude and is a joy to talk to. He is always working to improve his mobility and alleviate the tightness in his body - significantly improving both even though this is not his strength. Joe is a caring, friendly, and positive person who makes training fun and creates an awesome atmosphere when training with him. We love your attitude, Joe, thank you for being a wonderful part of our community! Lots of Love, The Team at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness
Train Smarter // Not Harder
Are you ready to train smarter and not just harder? Do you want more results in less time? Are you ready to make health and fitness a part of your everyday routine? Do you want a proven plan and path to get you to where you want to go in less time, with less stress, and less worry whether you are ‘doing it right’? Want to know if you would be the right fit for our training program? Training at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness is perfect for you if: >>You are ready to increase your energy levels so that you can ENJOY all of the things in life you love to do. >>You want to feel great in your skin. Fit back into the wardrobe in your closet. And get excited about wearing a swimsuit. >>You want to build momentum through healthy living so you can gain leverage in all other aspects of your life. >>You want to be limitless. You want to be able to go for a hike with your friends or family at a moment’s notice. Get in and out of a kayak with ease. Or run a road race – just for fun. >>You need a plan. You need someone to hold you accountable and tell you exactly what to do. >>You finally want to eliminate and get control over your sugar cravings and form a healthy relationship with food. >>You want to learn how to nourish and fuel your body so that you feel great, maintain your goal weight, and not worry about counting calories or measuring portion sizes. >>You want to have a steady positive outlook on life and take care of your mental health. If you answered YES to any of the above statements then our program could be the perfect fit to help you achieve and sustain your health and fitness goals and live the life you have always imagined. Click here to learn more! In the summer of 2018 one of our clients, Jacquelyn Gill a University of Maine professor of climate science and ecology, was offered the opportunity of a lifetime: to be one of four scientists to take part in filming a documentary, “Lost Beasts of the Ice Age”. Little did she know that after spending 10 days in the Siberian wilderness filming the documentary, that she would end up fighting for her life thousands of miles away from home, alone for 6 weeks. Due to the long travel days and intense stationary nature of her job there, Jacquelyn was sitting for long periods of time which put her at risk for getting blood clots. By the time she was trying to board a plane home, she knew something was seriously wrong since she couldn’t catch her breath and she had tunnel vision. A trip to the hospital confirmed that she had deep vein thrombosis in both legs and pulmonary embolisms in both lungs. After weeks in the hospital, Jacquelyn was finally well enough to travel and made the long journey home to Bangor. Upon returning home, her doctors commented that they couldn’t believe how she was doing so well after that ordeal given the severity of her embolisms. They believed that since she started training with WILCOX in May 2018, her training and lifestyle change months before the trip likely played a role in helping her survive her pulmonary embolisms. We had a conversation with Jacquelyn to hear more about her story and how training at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness helped her survive this life-threatening ordeal. Wilcox Wellness & Fitness: Jacquelyn, we are so happy that you are here today and able to share your story and experience with us! Do you agree with your doctors that training at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness helped save your life? In what way? Jacquelyn Gill: Definitely, and in more ways than one! Firstly, before I started training, I was the least fit I'd ever been. I was in pain all the time, constantly tired, depressed and anxious. I'd had problems with my IT band for months, and rest wasn't helping. Then, just weeks after I started training, my mom passed away unexpectedly. It was a really difficult summer for me, and training was one of the bright lights during a really hard time. I found that I was looking forward to having that space where I could process my emotions in a healthy way, with a supportive community. When I walked into WILCOX, it was like I left the world behind, checked in with myself and my body, and focused on the progress I was making. I had more energy, I felt great all the time, my pain went away, and even though I was going through a tough time, my overall mood was so much better than it had been going in. After just a few months, my blood work showed a big drop in cholesterol and a huge improvement in my overall health! WILCOX: That’s amazing! Your commitment to the program and enthusiasm helped lead you to success! We love that you saw that kind of progress after only a short time! Months after starting with us, you said you were going overseas for work; can you tell us more about that? JG: Last September, I had the amazing opportunity to go to Siberia to conduct research and film a documentary on ice age ecosystems preserved in the permafrost. On the last day of shooting, we were hiking to a remote location along a river in really rough terrain -- slippery mud, tiny log bridges over big chasms -- it really felt like an obstacle course. I was beating myself up because I was having a hard time. I was getting winded, needed a lot of breaks, and I thought it would be easier since I'd been training all summer. Then the next day, when we were getting ready to fly home, I found myself getting winded just getting up to go to the bathroom. I knew something was seriously wrong when I was walking across the tarmac and I felt like my vision was closing in and I couldn't get enough air. I went straight to the hospital in Yakutsk, and I had DVT in both legs and pulmonary embolisms in both lungs. The doctors told me it was amazing I'd survived- my lungs were so obstructed! They told me that improving my condition through training all summer probably saved my life. WILCOX: That is so scary! Do you feel like your training program helped you to know your body well enough to know something was wrong? JG: Absolutely, for two reasons: First, before I started training, I just felt gross all the time -- tired, run-down, in pain. I didn't even realize how bad it was until I started going to WILCOX and I started feeling better. So the first thing training did for me was clear away all the pain and tiredness I was feeling. I stopped expecting to feel like crap, which meant I was able to notice when something was wrong. Secondly, the approach at WILCOX really emphasizes getting in touch with yourself, and paying attention to your form -- it's not about powering through the pain, or pushing yourself to unhealthy extremes. Rather, it's about listening to your body -- where can I push a little more? When should I stop? What's my heart doing? How are my lungs? This gave me the confidence to know that what I was feeling wasn't normal, and it was okay to ask for help, rather than try to muscle through and pretend like everything was going to be fine. WILCOX: Checking in with yourself is huge and we are so glad you were able to put those techniques you learned here to use in your daily life. What other benefits have you seen since starting your training program? JG: There have been so many benefits I wasn't expecting! I knew that training could give you increased energy, help with general pain, and be a mood booster (though to be honest, I didn't really believe it until it happened!). But I've also found that it's given me a lot of confidence in my approach to other areas of my life. Going into a scary surgery or a challenging meeting, I hear my trainers' voices in my head cheering me on. I find that I'm moving in a more mindful way, whether I'm picking up a gallon of milk or hiking my favorite trail. And most importantly, I've gained a lot of confidence in myself -- after so many false starts and bad experiences with diets and gyms, I was always beating myself up for thinking the problem was me: I didn't have enough willpower, I wasn't good enough. Now, even after having to be out for a few months after my Siberian adventure, I'm not beating myself up for "backsliding" or losing some of my conditioning; I know it's going to be fine, and I'll get back to where I was. My internal voice is a cheerleader now, and not a bully. WILCOX: That makes us so happy to hear your internal voice is cheering you on and the trainers’ voices resonate with you throughout the day! There are so many people who have started and stopped training programs or nutrition programs in the past, just like you have, and may be at the point where they are done with trying. What would you say to those people to encourage them to keep trying? JG: Don't give up on yourself. It's never too late to make a positive shift, and that decision can change your life. Forget the scale, and focus on how you feel. If you've hated every other gym or diet, the problem isn't you-- it's that so much of the culture of fitness and weight loss is about shame, guilt, and blame. What makes a place like WILCOX stand out is the positive approach to wellness: there's a team of people who are invested in your success, as you define it. Not how you look, or your numbers. There are no mirrors, weigh-ins, or judgments; you'll see bodies of every shape, size, age, and ability. When all that other stuff is stripped away, and training becomes a matter of focusing on healthy movements (and healthy eating, if you want to follow optional food guidelines) you end up having a lot of fun. And I never, ever thought I'd say that! WILCOX: That is great advice!! Anything else you want to share about your experience at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness? JG: I started training because I was fed up with being sore and out of shape, and I needed the accountability and encouragement I wasn't getting when left to my own devices. And I needed that extra attention, because of my IT band syndrome. Training with an injury was a really positive experience, because my trainers got to know me and they're paying attention, so I knew that I could trust them not to put me in a situation where I'd aggravate my injury. That let me focus on my workout, and not miss anything, because they were always ready to step in with a modification. WILCOX: Jacquelyn, thank you so much for sharing your experience with me! Your BDN article had me in tears and I know that it has already inspired so many people to commit to healthy living just like you have. We are so glad to have you back training with us and we can’t wait to see where your next adventure will take you! With Love, Paige Inspired to get started on your own journey to healthy living?
If you are ready to take the first step, we are ready to support you! We will meet you wherever you are and support you along your path with health and wellness. This isn’t our first rodeo – we have a proven path to help people achieve their very best life and form healthful habits that they can sustain for a lifetime. Click the link below to schedule a no obligation call with us to chat about your health and fitness goals. Take the first step by clicking here to schedule that call! We are so excited to celebrate the success of Greg Brodek. Greg has been a terrific client of Adam Allen’s for a few years now, always showing up wanting to push himself, and get out of his comfort zone. This makes training him a blast - Greg has a great attitude and is excited when trying out new exercises. He is a tremendously hard worker who never makes excuses. This truly leads to limitless possibilities within Greg’s training sessions which correlate to his daily life. Keep up the awesome work Greg, we are excited to have you here and look forward to seeing your continued growth! ![]() James has completely changed the way he thinks about health and wellness since he started training with us in the group training program 4 years ago. His goal truly is to get a little better at something each time he trains. He approaches his training with an amazing amount of energy and a positive attitude. James has overcome a lot of obstacles in his life and he refuses to let limitations get in his way. He has a tremendous eagerness to learn and apply what he is learning quickly to his training. James arrives early, focusing on getting his body and mind prepared for doing the work. We love working with James because of his infectious attitude and his focus towards the system that has been provided for him. If you ever have the opportunity to train with James, he will inspire you to bring your best effort and be your best cheerleader at the same time. Thank you, James, for the inspiration you bring to the gym every single time. John Pickering is such an inspiration to anyone who has the great privilege of seeing him train. The things he is able to do during his sessions is really incredible - most people 40 years younger would have trouble doing some of the movements he conquers! John has a terrific attitude about trying new exercises and to his overall training. He always gets to the gym early and stays after, which has really accelerated his ability to train and progress. Also, he rarely misses a session and when he does he makes it up within a week - truly committed to feeling great and being active inside and outside the gym. He is also eager to work through movements that are a challenge to him (he even asks his trainer, Nick to try them again so he can get better at them). We couldn't be more inspired by John and the attitude, mindset, and friendly personality that he brings to the gym every single time. Thank you, John - keep inspiring all of us at WILCOX, the trainers and all the clients appreciate everything you do. |
January 2025