This holiday season, I’m focusing on the basics... focusing on the few key things that I know will keep me feeling good so that I can truly enjoy the holiday season.
For me, that means 1- starting my day with a healthy breakfast 2- nourishing myself throughout the day 3- eating whole foods only 4- hydrating 5- training 3x per week. (If you are new here, what I just listed are our Habits for Massive Impact and they are the foundation from which we help clients build a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.) When you focus on the few key things that you know make you feel good, you can still enjoy all of the merriment of the season. Over the years, I’ve had a lot of clients tell me they are putting their fitness/healthy habits “on hold” over the holidays. And from experience … I can tell you this is one of the fastest ways to feel regretful and just terrible come January. So - this holiday season, I would love to challenge you to focus on the basics with me. I promise you if you double down on just one of the healthy habits that I shared you will feel so much better. Tell me - will you join me in focusing on a few key healthy habits this holiday season? What will you be working on? Just tell me one, so I can support you. So what is it? Drinking more water? Getting more active. Let me know!
A few years ago Mike and I stopped drinking as much alcohol (he doesn't drink at all now - and I rarely drink) and it has benefited our life in so many ways... but that is a post for another day.
We love to make mocktails that feel fancy and fun and that have health benefits. I know that you will love this mocktail recipe. It is festive, tastes great, and is packed with antioxidants and gut-friendly probiotics. If you can’t find ginger kombucha, try berry- or cherry-flavored kombucha. You can use fresh or frozen cherries – just be sure to pit them first! NOTE: Most kombucha contains less than 0.5% alcohol which technically means it’s a non-alcoholic drink. Cherry-Kombucha Mocktail (serves 2) 1” (2.5 cm) slice of fresh ginger, thinly sliced 1 sprig of fresh rosemary ¼ cup (60 ml) 100% tart cherry juice (no sugar added) Juice of 1 small lime 1 x 12-oz (355 ml) bottle of ginger, berry, or cherry kombucha For garnish: pitted cherries and/or ginger slices In a mason jar or shaker, muddle the ginger and rosemary. Slowly stir in the cherry juice, lime juice, and kombucha. Pour into ice-filled glasses, straining if necessary, and add optional garnish. I am so excited to let you know that we have made some improvements to our Habits for Massive Impact.
These are the 5 core habits that we've been coaching on for the last 10 years. As you know, the mission of our business is to help you form healthy habits that you can sustain for a lifetime. AND the Habits for Massive Impact are the foundational habits that we coach on. These things are super simple but they are the things that most people struggle with that will make the most difference in your life. Our Habits for Massive Impact used to be: - eat breakfast, nourish yourself consistently throughout the day, eat whole foods only, be properly hydrated, and get active. AS you can see here - we've lumped the 3 nutrition habits together into FUEL your body which has given us the room to create 2 new habit categories that we believe are INCREDIBLY important to you getting the best results possible. And those are things that we have been coaching you on for years - we are just making it official for you here now. In this video you will see our whole updated Habits for Massive Impact Presentation - its 28 minutes and I hope you will take the time to watch it to refresh your memory on the things that are the most important in you achieving and most importantly sustaining your health and fitness goals. WELCOME TO YOUR 12 Days of Fitmas At Home Bodyweight Workout!
This holiday-themed HIIT workout will leave you feeling fit, strong, and proud of yourself. Why create a special holiday workout? Well, first: because it’s FUN. And even MORE importantly, keeping your activity level up over the holidays will help you: - Sleep better - Fight off colds & other illnesses - Feel more upbeat & relaxed - Have more energy This workout is done to the format of The 12 Days of Christmas song. Here’s how it works: There are 12 rounds … and every round, you add a new exercise that corresponds to the day it represents in the song. - So, for round 1, you would do 1 minute of jump rope (do “pretend” jump roping if you don’t one). - Round 2 you would do 2 push-ups + 1 minute of jump rope. - Round 3 would be 3 lunges (each side) + 2 push-ups + 1 minute of jump rope … all the way to round 12, where you'll do the whole thing from day 12 through day 1. Listen to your body and take breaks as needed! Let us know if you have any questions and we will be sure to get an answer from a WILCOX Trainer. Mike is going to kill me for posting this video. He really prefers to fly right under the radar. Complements to members of our team actually mean more to him than something like this. But, I've just been feeling really thankful recently for Mike's leadership during these tumultuous times and how he reminds me WHY we do what we do on the most difficult days. Thank you, Mike, for your vision for this business that so many of us love so much. Thank you for making the gym feel like a family. And thank you for helping so many transform their lives through health and fitness. It’s time for a flashback! Before I started my career as a fitness business owner, I was an account manager for a scientific distribution company. I learned so much during that time that influenced the entrepreneur I am today. Lately, we are learning the most from the mastermind that we are enrolled in. We are constantly improving to bring our clients the very best we can. What can we do for you?
January 2025