Willpower is like a muscle – it gets tired if you rely on it too much, and that can lead to quickly falling off track with your new habits. PLUS, your underlying lifestyle hasn’t been set up to support the long-term changes you are trying to create. That’s where the power of HABIT comes in. When you slowly introduce changes to your lifestyle, you not only need to use less willpower, you also are building a STABLE FOUNDATION for even greater change! THE TRICK: One trick is to create small habits you can easily build into your life so you almost don’t notice that they are there. With that in mind… I have a question for you! What are 1-2 small new habits you can start practicing today, to help build a healthy foundation? I’m talking about something simple, like: ● Drinking a big glass of water first thing in the morning ● Going for a 5-minute walk after lunch ● Repeating 1-2 positive mindset affirmations as you start your day ● Or something else that resonates with you. WANT MORE OF THIS? Our latest guide, Powerful Habits for a Powerful Life, will walk you through exactly HOW you can create healthy new habits that will last a lifetime! The guide outlines a simple 5-step strategy you can follow starting TODAY, including a workbook, to guide you through the exact habit change process! You can get your copy for free RIGHT NOW, as our gift to you! Just click here to download now: https://wilcoxwellnessfitness.lpages.co/powerfulhabits/
Have you seen the new docuseries about Michael Jordan called The Last Dance? If you haven’t seen it, it’s pretty incredible and I highly recommend it. Most people don’t know this about Jordan… but he had a secret club called “The Breakfast Club.” After a 3-year playoff losing streak to the Detroit Pistons in the late 80’s, Jordan decided to triple-down on his already legendary practice habit by creating a secret “club.” He realized he needed to improve his strength and endurance to overcome the Pistons, so he set up a morning workout habit to specifically improve those traits. It wasn’t long until some of his teammates became curious about his early-morning routine and joined him. Every morning as early as 5 o’clock, they’d get together for intense workouts and also have a nutrient-rich breakfast to help refuel, repair, and rebuild their bodies. This was in ADDITION to their normal practice schedule! Back then, this holistic approach – combining nutrition and fitness – was considered groundbreaking. It’s common now because it works… but the Chicago Bulls went on to become a legendary team, dominating the NBA in the 1990’s by winning 6 championships! I love this story for so many reasons, because the same strategy can be applied in our everyday lives. It isn’t just for pro athletes and wealthy celebrities.
First, the Bulls had a goal – they wanted to win, but first they needed to beat the physically dominating Pistons. Jordan took control of the situation by figuring out what needed to change. Then, he created an intentional, step-by-step plan to make that change possible, and hired a trainer and chef to help him. He didn’t wait for his team to buy into his new morning workout habit – he started on his own. And when they saw his success, his teammates joined him – and they made a serious dent in sports history. Think about how you can do this in your OWN life. What’s that first step YOU can take? Lots of Love, Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Our latest guide, Powerful Habits for a Powerful Life, will walk you through exactly HOW you can create healthy new habits that will last a lifetime! The guide outlines a simple 5-step strategy you can follow starting TODAY, including a workbook, to guide you through the exact habit change process! You can get your copy for free RIGHT NOW, as our gift to you! Just click here to download now: https://wilcoxwellnessfitness.lpages.co/powerfulhabits/ REFERENCE: www.sportscasting.com/this-secret-club-might-have-been-the-secret-to-michael-jordans-success/ As the weeks in global quarantine are passing by, many of us have settled into a new normal. One without child care, and hugs from a friend, and high fives from your trainer. One with more family, more time to focus, and more time to aspire for greater things in life. We’re in this in-between space, walking this strange thin line... One of fear mixed with enjoyment. One of panic but also calm. We’re in a time knowing things aren’t normal, but they will eventually be normal again. We are entering the in-between – the not knowing when things will go back to normal or what that will look like can be agonizing. The hard part about this for so many people is that it’s entirely out of our control. We want to control. We want certainty. And it is simply impossible to control a pandemic. Really, we are always kind of under the delusion that we’re in control of our own world. Some people are using this opportunity to step up their life’s game – connecting more deeply with family, or creating new businesses, or taking some much needed R&R, or working on projects that have been on the to-do list forever. Others are paralyzed by fear and uncertainty. It’s all ok. There’s no right or wrong response to an experience none of us have ever had before. It will pass. This is a new temporary normal. And as we re-enter society, that will also become a new temporary normal. We will always be impacted by these events, but my hope is that it’s all for the better on the other side... and I really believe it can be better because I believe that everything happens for a reason and life happens FOR us, not TO us.
So, when you’re finding yourself torn or paralyzed by the state of the world, the news, and the 4 walls of your home, go inward. How can you choose to make this the best possible, growth-oriented experience for yourself? I promise answering that question will help us all get through this with a lot more ease. Let me know the silver linings you’ve uncovered in all of this. Share in the comments below. We’re in it together and we will get to the other side of this stronger together. Lots of love, Paige Photo Credit: Hazen (6 years old - he took this photo while I was making his breakfast. The first of 759 meals that I will make throughout the course of the day for my 2 kids. I know you parents out there feel me!) WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Can I share a secret with you? I don’t love exercise. I never have. I don’t dread, or hate, or dislike exercise. I’m just neutral on the actual act of working out. It’s just not something that I love. Exercise for me is like brushing my teeth - it is something that I just do and don’t think much about. I don’t obsess over it - I just do it - I show up. Just like brushing my teeth. It is a healthy habit that allows me to show up as the best version of myself. I am passionate about living my very best healthy life, having the energy to enjoy spending time with my kids, and having the strength and stamina to do anything in life that I want. What is your relationship with exercise like? A - something I love B - something I dread but I do anyway C - a healthy habit that I don’t have to stress too much over <3 Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Have you ever been checking your phone… or vegging on the couch… and suddenly start thinking about a goal you want to work toward? It’s a little push from deep within you – something you can feel in your gut. Almost everyone has felt this way at one point or another. Maybe you finally want to clean up your eating to improve your health. Maybe you want to start working out so you get your energy back and feel stronger. Or maybe your home is still feeling a little too “lived-in” after the coronavirus situation and you get an urge to organize and clean. Whatever the exact push is, author and motivational speaker Mel Robbins calls it an "instinct for change." She also says that, unless you do something about it within 5 seconds, that instinct will die. She came up with the 5-second Rule (based on real science) to help keep that instinct alive. Basically, as soon as you have that instinct (as long as it’s one that supports your goals!), you count backwards… 5,4,3,2,1 and then you DO IT! And guess what? It works. There’s just one thing that separates people who reach their goals from those who don’t...
It’s their habits! And the best news is that YOU have incredible power to change them. All you need is a simple step-by-step strategy! Our latest guide, Powerful Habits for a Powerful Life, will walk you through exactly HOW you can create healthy new habits that will last a lifetime, including the 5-second Rule and much more! The guide outlines a simple 5-step strategy you can follow starting TODAY, including a workbook, to guide you through the exact habit change process! You can get your copy for free RIGHT NOW, as our gift to you! Just click here to download now: https://wilcoxwellnessfitness.lpages.co/powerfulhabits/ Hope you enjoy it! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! It’s easy to get wrapped up with doing more reps, going faster, or lifting heavier to get in a great training session. Today, I used my session to work on stabilizing my knees & fighting to keep posture throughout! It’s a tough mental challenge as there were many times I just wanted to ‘move’. In the end, my knee feels great & my posture intentions are set for the day!! Winner winner chicken dinner!! WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Why do you workout? For us, it is about being a good example for our family. To show our two little kids the importance of honoring and taking care of your body. And, to invest in doing the things that will allow us to show up in the world as the best version of ourselves. Everyone has their own reasons. Why do you train? WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! One of the biggest struggles we hear from clients and potential clients is that time keeps them from being fully committed to their workouts, good nutrition, and taking care of their health. And it’s easy to believe. Whether you’re working full-time or in school, taking care of a home and a family, or a combination of those things, it’s true that humans are busier than they’ve ever been. But if this time in quarantine has shown a lot of people one thing, it’s that time was never really the issue. Call it lack of motivation, lack of accountability… call it what you will. Many people are still struggling to take care of their health and fitness, despite all the time in the world. And we’ve always known it’s not time but rather priorities and discipline. Because if in normal times, two equally busy people can have very different health and fitness levels, time is the equalizer, not the divider. What, if anything, has this time taught you about yourself? Have you become more or less fit? How is it affecting the commitment you’ll make once the world reopens? Please hit reply and share with me! I’d love to know! WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Overwhelm. You've experienced it a time or two (or a hundred). So have I. That feeling of overwhelm trying to navigate the complexities of 2020 can so kindly provide. It can be a heaviness that shows up to de-motivate us, stress us out, or keep us up at night. It can come down to money, family, job, or if you're like me, it's the internal pressure to do, to achieve. I STILL struggle with it. Often I struggle with relaxing when I know I could be working. I stress BIG TIME if I don't hit a goal. I occasionally let fear, uncertainty, and doubt take over. But in the end, I don’t allow the overwhelm to control my thoughts or decisions. In a social media world, it's easy to look at other people and think they've got it all figured out. But I'm here to remind you that's NOT the case.
These struggles still exist on some level for most of us. Sure, the struggle changes as you level up in life, but it's always there. Anyone honest will tell you that. So the next time you're feeling that overwhelm, remember that you're not alone. That it will pass. That you'll find your feet. Get support, reach out to a coach, find a technique that alters your state of mind, stop trying to do everything yourself for fear of asking for help, and keep moving forward. You are doing better than you think. So, my friend, is there anything I can help you with today? Comment and let me know. WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Did you know that research shows that literally just taking care of your health for a few DAYS drastically improves your immune response? That’s right – healthy food, getting exercise, sleeping enough, and managing your stress for even a few days shows a positive impact on your overall health and ability to fight disease. CRAZY! Given that we’re living in a time where people are more acutely aware of their health and immune systems than ever before, I want you to know that it doesn’t take years or even months to turn things around. Although no one likes living in times of a global pandemic, my hope is that people begin taking their health more seriously than ever before. From the food they choose for each meal to the amount they’re moving their bodies each day.
It’s so easy to let life pull you in every direction with its chaos and busyness. The gift given to us in all of this is the opportunity to slow down. To prioritize what’s important. And my hope for you and your loved ones is that, like me, you value your health more than ever before. That we all step up to take care of ourselves in ways that will not only strengthen our immune systems for immediate times, but so that we can extend our lives and increase the quality of them for many years to come. You with me? Lots of love, Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! |
December 2024