What was your favorite cereal as a kid? I LOVED frosted flakes - they’re grrreeeat!!!
When we were kids, the general public just didn’t know much about the dangers of too much sugar back then. But now, medicine tells us just how bad it can be for our health, including our common struggle with obesity. Knowledge doesn’t always equal the right action either. We know a lot more now about the negative effects of sugar, but we’re eating more than ever. AND - sugar is pumped into almost every single packaged and processed food - even those marked as ‘healthy.’ It kills me… We all know added sugar contributes to weight problems. But did you know that too much sugar does a bunch of other nasty stuff, too, like…
At Wilcox Wellness & Fitness, we believe in the 80/20 rule - 80% of the time, be on point with your nutrition and exercise, and the other 20% of the time, really LOVE and LIVE your life. But… there are times when we need to get really FOCUSED on our health and fitness. I’ve been on a ‘sugar detox’ since early January (with a few minor exceptions) and I am feeling AMAZING - more energy, next to 0 cravings for sugar, and an improved complexion. Anyone else ready for a sugar detox? Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
In less than a week, my family and I are headed across AMERICA for a 7-week adventure in a 20 year old RV that we bought in the fall. This has been a dream / bucket list item that my husband, Mike and I have been working on since we got married in 2011. We have been asked so many questions about our trip, why we are going, if we are scared of leaving our life and business for this length of time (spoiler alert: yes - we are scared but we are doing it anyway), if we are nervous about the pandemic (yup - totally), who will be in charge while we are gone, and what we are hoping to get out of the trip so I am sharing it all here. I hope our story will inspire you to make the decision to #goforit even if you are scared in your own life. For anyone that doesn't know my story - my name is Paige Wilcox and my husband and I own Wilcox Wellness & Fitness - a private personal training business that we recently franchised. We have 2 locations - one in Bangor that we have been running for the last almost 10 years and one in Brunswick, Maine that just celebrated the 2 year mark - yay! I met Mike 15 years ago on a blind date and married him 5 years later. I definitely married up - Mike is my best friend and partner in all things and I absolutely love spending every minute of every day with him. Lucky for me - since that is what we have been doing since the world shut down about a year ago. Together, we have two wild and crazy kids - Hazen is 6 and Brooklyn (Brookie) is 3. I am originally from Rangeley, Maine - a super small, beautiful town in the western part of the great state of Maine. I come from a family of small business owners - my parents ran a convenience store when I was growing up and I always knew that I wanted to own and run my own business. Not for the typical reasons of ‘being my own boss’ but more for the lifestyle freedom that you can build when you own a business. I love travel, I love adventure, I love immersing myself in new cultures. It has always been my goal to be able to live and work from anywhere in the world. (Don’t worry - Bangor, Maine will always be my forever home.) I have always made travel a priority in my life and I been lucky enough to do a lot a lot of travel in my lifetime. I have backpacked through Europe, been in the Amazon jungle, traveled through India, and have experienced extended times living in Costa Rica with my family. I love the way travel opens you up to view the world in a different way and provides immense amounts of perspective. Since 2019, my husband and I have been working on our #lifegoals and spending a month+ living and working in another country. In 2019 we spent a month in Costa Rica when Brookie was 1 and Hazen was 4. In 2020 - we planned to spend 5-weeks there but you all know how that turned out - we had a very dramatic early emergency evacuation 3 weeks into our trip. This summer, Mike and I decided that we would not let COVID ruin any more of our plans for adventure. We started looking at our bucket list and revisiting our dreams and we realized that traveling the country in an RV would be a pretty self contained and safe (COVID-wise) adventure. We would avoid public transportation, hotels, airplanes, and even public restrooms. There are even services that will deliver our groceries to our campsites. AMAZING! We leave next week - it is terrifying, exciting, and super epic. It’s going to be an amazing adventure! Here is our plan: AND - we LITERALLY have no idea what we are doing… Mike and I are not the most ‘mechanically inclined’ people - I was out in the RV last night literally YouTubing how to make the furnace work. (ProTip - you turn the knob to the ‘on’ position.) Has Mike ever driven a big rig - NOPE… Will I take a turn at the wheel - ABSOLUTELY NOT - I hit curbs when I drive Mike’s suburban. But… somehow we think we are going to be able to pull off this adventure of a lifetime. It is scary to leave our business for an entire month - especially after the crazy year we have had making pivots and hanging on by our teeth to make it all work. Our business is our baby - we love it. But - our real babies - Hazen and Brooklyn are only going to be this little for so long. We only have so much time together as a family unit and there is so much that we want to do, and see, and experience together. I am so excited to have this adventure with the kids - to connect with them through travel - to see the wonder on their faces - to navigate all of the challenges that we totally will face - and to open up their minds to the greatest possibilities. It is scary - but anything worth wild is scary so do it anyway. We only get this one life and we get to decide how to live it. I feel so lucky. I absolutely LOVE my work. A lot of people have asked me why I don’t just want to disconnect and totally be in #vactationmode for the month. The truth is - I love running the business. I love the team I support. I love the clients we serve. I love brainstorming new ideas. I love creating things to serve our clients better. To me full on vacation mode isn’t desirable - it would be like saying you can’t watch your favorite TV show, or eat your favorite food, or talk to your best friend or your mom, while you are on vacation because you need to disconnect from that thing. But the truth is, doing those things would enhance your overall vacation experience. I hope that makes sense. I think having the opportunity to get away for a solid chunk of time really gives you the opportunity to look at your life, your family, your business, and your priorities with a new perspective. I think that when we are at home, working, grocery shopping, meal prepping, shuttling the kids around, and doing all the things we can lose sight of the bigger picture. I strive to live a really intentional life. I know that life is what you make it and I think that sometimes you need to get out of your daily routine in order to really be able to truly figure out what you want out of life. To have the time to think about things like...
I remember one time I was going through a particularly stressful time with an old job (I was an account manager for a scientific distribution company) Mike and I went on vacation together. It was just a week - we were in Puerto Rico and I was having a hard time disconnecting from work - or work was having a hard time disconnecting from me back in the days where disconnecting was my goal. I had to be on a conference call on vacation in Puerto Rico on the way to the boat for our snorkeling adventure. I had a lot on my mind after that call and boarding the boat. I remember then putting my snorkel gear on and putting my head in the water. There was a whole beautiful world down there that I hadn’t even considered moments prior. It made my problems feel so small in the best way possible. The fish would still be swimming, the seaweed would still be swaying, and the waves would still be rolling regardless of what was going on in my life. And I feel like that is what travel does for us. It puts our life into perspective. I am really excited to have the opportunity to step back and really assess where we are and gain a lot of perspective going forward. I hope that our experience inspires other people to fully go for it in their life and do something that scares them. It may not be travel related but really finding the thing that will set their soul on fire, light them up, and make them excited to jump out of the bed in the morning. Maybe that means applying for a new job, starting a new business, going back to school, or asking that special someone out on a date. Whatever it is, I say throw caution to the wind, go for it - especially if you are scared. What is the worst that could happen? Broken down in the desert with no cell service… nah - don’t think that way, Paige!!! I am confident that our whole trip is not going to be rainbows and butterflies, national parks and waterfalls. We have a lot of travel time in a fairly old riggin with 2 little kids. We need to figure out how to set up and take down camp. We need to figure out how to dump and fill the tanks. Outside of the challenge of travel and living in an RV, I will have the challenge of figuring out how to balance the family time with working time. I will still have phone calls to support our franchise business and our team in Bangor and other work to do to keep the momentum of the business humming. I love my work - my challenge will be dialing that back enough to really let the amazingness of our trip and extra family time sink in.
I hope that this trip brings our family even closer together - that our kids see that you can do anything in life that you decide to do - and that life is meant to be fully enjoyed. I am so excited to play full out - embrace the adventure and the challenge - and be transformed in the process. I hope that we bring home a new perspective from our adventure that we can use to serve our clients and our team better. I hope that the moment we get home, we start planning our next adventure! So tell me - what is your next adventure? How do you want it to make you feel? What scares you about it? I want to hear it! Much Love, Paige Wilcox PS: if you are interested in following our journey - the good, the bad, the ugly, and the funny, I plan on sharing it all through a video journal on @wilcoxfamilyadventures. I hope you will follow along with us there! It was about a year ago that our world was rocked by COVID-19. It all happened so fast and I don’t know about you but I haven’t had a ton of time to process it all. On the anniversary of all of this craziness, I just want to say my most sincere thank you to you. If you have been with us for a while, thank you for sticking with us. If you are new to our community, thank you SO MUCH for joining us during this crazy time. Thank you for being so supportive as we navigated the rapid waters of this pandemic. Thank you for giving us grace when the first option we rolled out ‘the online training sessions’ was sort of laughable. Thank you for helping us develop our LIVEStream training program. Thank you for trusting us to keep you safe when we were allowed to continue in-person operations in the gym. Thank you for being part of our community. Honestly - we didn't know if our business could survive this pandemic. But we did know that we were going to fight like hell to protect and serve this community. We would not have been able to do this without your acceptance, grace, and kindness, and we are just so thankful to you. >>>Vunerability Alert<<<. I wanted to share this video that I recorded for you (that I never shared) a little over a year ago to show you just how terrified I was when we were first navigating the pandemic… I think you can see in my eyes how incredibly scared I was. Mike and I were in Costa Rica (a 3rd world country on the side of a mountain) with our 2 little kids being told to shelter in place.
I never shared this video with you because moments after we recorded it we got a call from Senator King’s office telling us to get home as soon as possible OR be stuck for who knows how long in Costa Rica. We did an emergency evacuation - waking our kids up at 3am to drive to 5 hours to the airport for a 32 hour travel day- and even as the plane was airborne we didn’t know if we would be allowed in the country because the rules were changing so quickly. To this day, I am so very thankful that we were able to get home, to be surrounded by this incredible community that we love so much. Thank you for being part of our community. Thank you for trusting us to keep you safe. Thank you for all of your support. We love you! Paige & Mike If you want to win at anything, including fitness and weight loss, then you have to repeat a two-step process every day. First, you must decide what you want. Second, you must take action to reach it. Every day. Over and over. As part of your ongoing lifestyle. Want some foolproof ways to win? Here are seven of the best:
Just wanting something won’t do the trick. Just talking about it won’t either.
Make a decision. Take the action. WIN. Would love to hear how this sits with you! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
Yes! It is time to commit to your health and fitness so that you live your life to the very fullest.
Gain confidence, energy, stamina, and feel great. Let us show you the way - for a limited time, you can get started with our training program for FREE with our Greatest Gift Pack EVER.
Just click the link below to claim your coaching package - valued at over $497 completely for FREE.
https://wilcoxwellnessfitness.lpages.co/welcome-to-wilcox-wellness-fitness/ Happy training! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Happy March! I just wanted to post an update on some of our ongoing charitable giving efforts. We are committed to developing programs to support our community and we believe that TOGETHER we do more good. We currently have 2 charitable giving programs that occur on a monthly basis:
I explain everything in this little video I recorded for you: Here is the down and dirty if you prefer to read rather than listen: Greatest Gift Referral Program: The Greatest Gift Referral Program is designed to help you share the gift of health and fitness with the people you care about most. This program gives your people access to 2 weeks of UNLIMITED group personal training with us (either in person or ONLINE - so they can join from anywhere in the world) plus a lot of coaching extras from us - a 1-on-1 Success Session, a personalized program workbook, and tons of support from our team. For every referral that signs up for a success session, we:
CONGRATULATIONS - Heidi Storm - you are the winner of February 2021 drawing! Thank you for all of your referrals! Check-Ins For Charity Program: Every time you 'check-in' to Wilcox Wellness & Fitness on Facebook, we donate money ($0.40 for each check-in) to Sarah's House, which is a place for cancer patients and their caregivers who live outside Bangor to stay while they are receiving treatment. Our Check-Ins for Charity Program accomplishes 3 goals:
We have been running this Check-Ins for Charity Program for a few years now and we have donated $1,882 to date. We donated $21.20 for the month of February and we would LOVE to see this donation closer to $100 per month, so please - check-in and let people know about your training experience! We are so thankful for you and our ability to do more good in our local community. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions at all. Lots of love, Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Research shows that 80% of people who set new year's resolutions abandon them by February. DEVASTATING. And that is why we encourage you to commit to healthy habits that you can sustain for a lifetime vs any quick fix. How many times have you felt by this point in a new year that it was all going to be a failure – that, since you already had dropped a resolution or even forgot to make one, that you were doomed to have another year of unmet healthy living aspirations? Well, I’m here to keep you from going down that rabbit hole again. You can still have your best year yet. You just have to get your mind wrapped around it.
Healthy living is a lifestyle, not a resolution. It’s a commitment to yourself, and that shouldn’t change because of the calendar. You got this! Lots of love, Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! |
January 2025