Normally I take down the volume and add some jazzy music for your viewing pleasure but I thought you would enjoy are real and raw look at the hands on coaching you can expect in our training program.
This video was filmed this past Saturday at the kickoff of our KickStart Program in Bangor. (We kickoff May 20 in Brunswick!) We are so very excited to have the opportunity to work with this incredible group of people and we are so very happy to be able to support them every step of the way as they commit to health and fitness. If I could offer my best advice to this new group, it would be to give yourself the grace to be a beginner. You don't need to be perfect or even good at anything in the beginning but you do need to keep showing up and commit to the process of learning above anything else. What is your best advice to anyone that is new to getting started in a training program?
Ready to break the junk food cycle?
You know that feeling when you NEED something sweet, savory, or crunchy to satisfy you after a meal? There’s nothing wrong with you — those cravings are by DESIGN. In fact, studies show that eating junk food can be highly addictive, and stimulates the brain’s reward system in a way that’s similar to other… um… not-so-wholesome activities that are easy to get addicted to. But what if you could break the cycle? How much better would you feel? If you want to give yourself a “reset”, our FREE 5-Day Whole Food Challenge is designed to help you do just that! Over just 5 days, our free guide gives you the tools and resources you need to transform your diet and create healthy, sustainable habits that will leave you feeling energized and satisfied. You'll discover the truth about why junk food is so addictive AND learn how to break free from cravings. Plus, you’ll get a full menu of delicious, nutrient-packed recipes that will make it easy and FUN to eat healthy foods, and daily tips and tricks to set yourself up for success. Ready to challenge yourself to 5 whole days of whole, nutritious, real foods? Just say ‘send it’ to get your free challenge guide! You once dreamed of being where you are right now. It can be tempting to stress over everyday curveballs that life throws your way, but when you think about it, you have exactly the thing that you worked so hard for 5/10/20 years ago. What are you currently experiencing that you once only dreamed about?
Think you could you eat real, whole foods for 5 days straight? No cheating?
If you know us, you know we aren’t at all about “food rules” but just 5 days of whole food can make a huge difference in how you feel and set you up for long-term success in creating healthier eating habits. That's why we've created our FREE 5-Day Whole Food Challenge! It’s designed specifically for people like you who want to break out of this endless loop! During the challenge, your free, self-paced guide will provide you with delicious, nutrient-packed recipes that keep you full, energized, and cravings-free. But this challenge isn’t just about the food… It’s also about showing yourself that you CAN do whatever you put your mind to, and you CAN create new habits. Want to get started for free? Grab your Whole Foods Challenge for FREE: If you feel like you’re not moving fast enough, remember this: Just as a seed doesn’t turn into a tree the day after it’s planted, neither do your efforts when it comes to health and fitness. Those seeds need nurturing, care, and time to grow before they turn into the plant they’re intended to be, just like you! So… keep going… Your time to shine is right around the corner. Drop a heart emoji if this gave you the encouragement you needed today! Repeating positivity is life changing! Whenever I need a boost of encouragement, I repeat to myself: “things are happening for me… not to me.” Everything happens for a reason, even the bad stuff. Everything is preparing us for something greater. I am right where I need to be. I might not know in this season what the lesson is preparing me for but I do know there is a plan. Do you have a mantra that helps you get through the hard days? Share yours in the comments below! I’ll be here… cheering you on with my goofy 2 thumbs up. ❤️
There’s a Chinese proverb that says, “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.” We all have regrets, but let this be your reminder that no matter how your journey has gone so far, now is the second-best time to start on your journey with health and fitness. Want help getting started?
Let’s chat! Schedule a no obligation phone call today! “...silver white winters that melt into springs, these are a few of my favorite things.”
I’m sure you’ve heard those lines from the famous Julie Andrews song, and while I love this time of year because we can finally get outside more, here are some of my other springtime favorites: 1 - the smell of the woods in the spring IKYK 2 - ice out - so we can get to our island camp 3 - the transition from hot coffee to iced coffee ❤️ What are your favorite spring things? |
January 2025