![]() James has completely changed the way he thinks about health and wellness since he started training with us in the group training program 4 years ago. His goal truly is to get a little better at something each time he trains. He approaches his training with an amazing amount of energy and a positive attitude. James has overcome a lot of obstacles in his life and he refuses to let limitations get in his way. He has a tremendous eagerness to learn and apply what he is learning quickly to his training. James arrives early, focusing on getting his body and mind prepared for doing the work. We love working with James because of his infectious attitude and his focus towards the system that has been provided for him. If you ever have the opportunity to train with James, he will inspire you to bring your best effort and be your best cheerleader at the same time. Thank you, James, for the inspiration you bring to the gym every single time.
![]() CONFESSION: I didn’t work out once while I was away for a month in Costa Rica. Not ONCE. Was that the plan… nope - I brought a TRX and had visions of early morning training sessions and solo sunrise runs on the beach. The reality was that I was still up at 5am each morning but that was hustling to get some work done before the kids got up and then it was off.to.the.races. Our days were so active chasing kids, playing in the waves, tossing kids in the pool, and doing all the things to avoid a sunburn that we let the real training slide for the month. And… I felt (and still feel) pretty great about it. That’s the thing about being consistent over the long term with your dedication to health and fitness. I wasn’t stressed or worried about getting back to the gym. I just went with it. I got my exercise in - in different ways. Fun ways. Ways that challenged me differently. I was able to do these things/feel good doing them/enjoy doing them because I trained for them. And - (in my very humble opinion) most importantly, I set my expectations for the return. Over the last 2 weeks, I have been easing into my training sessions. Reminding myself ‘I haven’t done this in a month’ and giving myself the space to lay a new foundation. I know that it is all going to come back (not that I am a super fit phenom in my daily life) and I am not killing myself to get there any quicker. I am practicing patience and being kind to my body. I wish more people did that. I see people take time away from training for different reasons schedule/work/kids/life/etc and they come back to training an intensity that is impossible to maintain. My advice: put your head down, do the work, be kind to your body, know what season of life you are in, and be patient with the process. Speaking of seasons, what season of life are you in? Are you working hard on your fitness and your habits / just getting started / looking to get back to it / in a good routine / stuck in a rut / riding the fence / looking for motivation? Let me hear it here! Lots of love, Paige As a kid I am sure I drove my parents c r a z y asking all of the ‘why’ questions. ‘Why is the sky blue?’ / ‘Why do we call an orange an orange and not an apple a green?’ / ‘Why is there cancer?’ Obnoxious. Right. #sorrymom I have always had such an intense curiosity to understand the WHY behind why people do things. That is why I am so open here about my WHY. I think the WHY is the most important thing in life. See… you could have a specific goal in mind - let’s say you want to lose weight - that is great but why? You could cut off your leg tomorrow and all of a sudden you are down 26-45 lbs (and yes - I just googled ‘how much does a leg weigh’). Boom. Goal achieved - you lost weight and you didn’t have to go to a single workout or eat a leaf of spinach. But that’s not what you are looking for. So, WHY do you want to lose weight? Is it so that you feel better in your skin/clothes? So that you have more confidence? To increase your energy levels? To have more fun playing with your kids? To do the things that you love to do (like hiking, or biking, or boating) and ENJOY them? In my experience, those are the reasons WHY people are looking to lose weight. And to me, those reasons are much more compelling to stay the course than anything else. My WHY is pictured here - I want to be able to carry my 50lb 4almost5yearold out of the jungle when he 'runs out of batteries.' I want to have the confidence to pursue adventure and fun in my life. I want to have all of the energy to do the things I love to do and e n j o y them. I want to live my life without any limitations. I want to be a good example for my children. I want to make a difference in the world.
So tell me, friend, what is your WHY? If you are in a health and fitness program now, what keeps you going, WHY are you doing it? If you are not on the train now, what is going to be that motivator to get you going? Tell me! Paige A few nights ago our 4 (almost 5) year old said with much concern - “Mommy, Daddy! You need to workout. You haven’t worked out.” We chuckled - he was addressing us like this was some sort of urgency like we needed to immediately drop and give him 50 before we caught on fire. We asked him why and he said: “You need to work out so you have energy to play with me, and so that you don’t get old so we can still have fun.” #proudmamamoment This IS what we train for. This particular day was much like the rest of our days in Costa Rica. We were up at the crack of dawn - there is no easing into the morning with a 1 year old here - and we were on the beach for a walk. We walked for over an hour - running in and out of the waves while I carried the baby on my back. Then we played in the pool for the rest of the day - throwing the 47 lb 4almost5year as high up in the air as we could, climbing out of the deep end (with no ladder) to jump off the ‘cliff’ (which I believe is the water feature #sorrynotsorry), and hauling all of the gear that entertains one 4almost5yearold and keeps us sane with a 1 year old.
This IS what we train for. We train for everyday life so that we are strong and healthy to do all of these things and KEYWORD: ENJOY THEM. Mothering (and fathering) is a physical labor of love. Being in a tropical location with 2 active kids is what we train for. Will we have work to do when we get back? Yes. But until then, we are enjoying every single second here. This IS what we train for. What do you train for? |
January 2025