How do you want this experience to shape you as a person? Something about what we’ve all been going through has really made me take stock of the few things in life that are truly most important to me and I think it is the most wonderful gift. Early on in this pandemic, there were moments where Mike and I thought that we could lose everything - for real - our business, our house, our way of life, our livelihood. Going through the ‘worst case scenario’ exercise was the biggest blessing to me because it made me realize that the only thing that matters in this life is the health, safety, and happiness of my family. Everything else can be replaced, rebuilt, and reimagined - just like so many other people have before. I shared earlier about my Oma - who lived through WWII in Austria, how she provided so much perspective to me on ‘this not being hard’ compared to what she has already lived through - going to the basement when the air raid signal went off, waiting for spring to come because then they'd have enough food to eat, not knowing if her father would return from war, etc… Oma told me that experience helped give her the ‘patience to wait.’ While this experience is not nearly as intense, I hope that it does shape me as a person and when life returns to normal and I am in the grind of life, that I can remember the things that are truly important - the health and safety of my family. So - I’m asking you to hold me accountable - if you see me veering off track, getting caught up in this or that - please remind me. <3 How do you hope this experience will shape you as a person? Lots of love, Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
Did you know that the power of habit can HELP you when you are tired, stressed, or overwhelmed? According to researchers, that’s when we actually tend to rely on our habits (both good AND bad!) the most!! Our habits (once we’ve developed them) require very little effort – they are automatic behaviors. So it makes sense that we fall back on them when we don’t have a lot of energy, according to researcher Wendy Wood, who wrote the book Good Habits, Bad Habits. This is all the more reason to lean into and develop good habits when things are going great – they’ll help carry you through times when you need it the most BONUS TIP: If you’re looking to quit a bad habit, Wood suggests finding a replacement habit instead. For example, if you normally scroll your phone during lunch, find something else that’s just as enjoyable – like reading a book or going for a walk. Or, if you want to cut back on nighttime snacking, work on a hobby or new skill (like woodworking, playing the guitar, or you name it!). We are a little bit obsessed with habits here at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness - our entire mission is built around forming healthy habits you can sustain for a lifetime. We just put out a new resource guide to support you with this - it's called Powerful Habits for a Powerful Life. Just click here if you want a copy - it is completely free! WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! "You are going to feel that in your abs tomorrow..." Isn't that the truth... I LOVE using the mobility sticks in my training sessions. These little movements don't look like much, but they build a ton of strength and mobility throughout the body. A GIANT shipment of these mobility sticks just landed at the gym and we are really excited to be incorporating more of this style of movement into our training sessions. What do you want to know about this style of training? WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Anytime someone says to me ‘It’s so hard to eat healthy!’ I totally get it. It is hard mentally to make changes in a positive direction. But actually eating healthier... not really that hard. YES - there is temptation everywhere. YES - we are busy and want convenience. YES - other people might not have the same goals as you if those goals are around improving health or weight loss. But I have tell you the truth… Choosing to eat healthy isn’t hard. You already know what to do.
You know salad is a better option than a big mac. You know that the grilled chicken is a better choice than the fried chicken. We know what to do - it is the implementation, commitment, and follow-through that is so hard. And - I think that there are 2 reasons.
But - making healthier choices - choosing the grilled instead of the fried - is actually quite easy if you think about it. Literally… Committing to always putting the better nutrition into your body will have drastic results that will compound over time. And it all starts with telling yourself a different story. When you say or think “it’s hard” just remember how easy it actually is – it’s just a matter of following through, and... you are so worth it, my friend. Let me know if this little mindset shift helps. <3 Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Here is a look at a training session that Hazen, our 6-year-old, joined me for. He likes to check out his muscles after each rep and heckle me during the session. Brookie declined our workout invite and ate 2 blueberry muffins (not the healthy kind) while we trained. I hope you enjoy this inside look at the chaos of this season in my life. WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! In our KickStart Program, we ask participants on a weekly basis to share their wins and share what they learned for the week. It is so inspiring to read the comments of what is resonating with people. Recently a KickStart Participant shared this: "I've learned that committing is harder than the actual task." That. Is. So. True. So many people ride the fence in life, never fully committing. Tony Robbins says, "It is in our moments of decision that our destiny is created." But... most people never actually make that decision.
Then Tony said - once you make the decision, you must burn the boats so that you are ALL IN with your choice, forgetting any other possible outcome. I know there have been times in my life where I have made major decisions and once the choice is made, it feels like a huge weight is lifted. Anyone else? I would love to hear your story! WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Struggling to make the choices you know are critical for your health? Think of the people you’re making them for - your kids, your clients, your employees, your community. Most of us do everything for everyone else and our own health and fitness falls to the bottom of the list. I’ve been there. But when I realized that my health is not about me - it is about everyone else. That is when I was able to fully commit to going all in with healthy living. People want to make changes and get healthy all of the time. They start a fad diet to lose weight, only to regain it when that thing wasn't sustainable anymore. They fail to start Monday after Monday. They end up sick because they said “tomorrow” too many times. Whether it’s giving into cravings/temptation, being too mentally exhausted by the end of the day to exercise, or you really struggle with things like food addictions or emotional eating, there are plenty of reasons people struggle with getting healthy. At the end of the day, you have to remember this: IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU. Well, of course, it’s your health, so in part, it is. But who else does your health affect? Your spouse, kids, or grandkids? Your co-workers? Your friends? Your health affects everyone in your life. What are the consequences those people in your life would face if something happened to you…something that was preventable by focusing on improving health? Motivation is such a fleeting thing. You have to find the TRUE LEVERAGE to commit to healthy living once and for all. Maybe this idea that your health affects everyone else in your life will be the idea that changes your life. Maybe it will be something else. Either way, you have to find and define your WHY and let that be the leverage to pull you towards your goals, instead of waiting for motivation to get you going. Truth talk - motivation is something you have to create for yourself every single day. It comes from consistent action. It does not appear out of thin air. If you’re struggling to make the choices you know are critical for your health, think of the people you’re making them for. I hope that little mindset shift will help you commit more fully to your health and fitness. Let me know if this resonates! Ready to take the next step? Schedule a call with us today to see how we can help you find the leverage to commit once and for all! <3 Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Earlier this month, I was home in Rangeley celebrating my grandmother's 90th birthday. We stayed outside and were all COVID tested to ensure we wouldn't pass anything to her. Oma grew up in Austria during WWII. She now lives at an independent senior living facility that has been locked down since March. Oma jokes about 'checkpoint charlie' and his unwillingness to even let the UPS man through for deliveries. She hasn't seen most of her family since the lockdown. I said to her, 'Oma, this must be so hard. You must be so lonely.' She said to me in her thick Austrian accent... "Paige, this is not hard. Hard is walking down the street and jumping in the ditch when an enemy truck approaches so they don't shoot you. This is not hard. Hard is having your father away at war and not knowing if he is dead or alive or if he will find a way to return to your family. This is not hard. Hard is hearing the air raid sound and going to your basement and being worried if the rest of your family is okay when you come up. This is not hard. Hard is waiting for spring to come so that you have some food to eat. This is not hard." - Sonja Schaetzle When I asked her how this experience impacted her life, she told me simply, "I have the patience to wait." I am so thankful for this perspective shift and I hope you are too. This stuff is not hard and I think we all (myself included) could benefit from a little more 'patience to wait.' Lots of love, Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
Our FREE Metabolic Jumpstart Challenge kicked off on Monday, but it's not too late to join!
In this mini-training, I am going deep to set you up for success and help you understand the 5 strategies that we will be using to jumpstart your metabolism. Here is the link to join us in the FREE CHALLENGE if you haven't already: WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! Death, sickness, having our lives turned upside down, wearing face masks in public… No one saw this global pandemic changing “normal” as we knew it. None of those things are positive, and the havoc this virus has imposed on so many is purely devastating. But there is another side to this. One of the incredible things that has come out of the virus for many people is that they’ve begun wanting something different. They’ve started to rethink how they’re living, how they’re doing business, and how they’re showing up in the world. And they’ve realized that much more is available to them… More love and connection, more opportunities to contribute and give back, more opportunities to provide for their family, and so much more… We can’t always choose the things that happen to us, but we can choose how we think about and react to everything.
So, my friend, have you started thinking about what else is possible for you as a result of these crazy times? I’d love it if you’d share. Lots of love, Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! |
January 2025