It is almost New Year's... Let’s write a new story
Poor January. It has such a sad, predictable story. You know the tale already. Everybody always looks forward to seeing January. Too much, in fact. Our excitement creates too much pressure for our January, and every year we believe things will work out this time. But then, inevitably, January lets us down. No. That’s not quite right, is it? January doesn’t let us down. Within a few days or weeks, we let it down -- abandoning the goals and hopes we had set for a new healthy lifestyle. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Let’s write a new story for January! First, let’s not make January the hero. You are the hero of your own story. Second, give January an appropriate role. You can use it to set some new goals if you like. But what if you put all that “resolutions” nonsense aside and focused instead on living your best life on January 1? And then again on January 2? And the 3rd, and the 4th, and on and on… doing your best to enjoy a healthy lifestyle as best you can, one day at a time. Ready to get started? Let me know in the comments and I will share with you how you can get started for FREE.
Lots of love,
Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
Yay! You’ve decided to jump-start your exercise and eating plan – and we are so psyched for your new journey! Here’s some friendly advice: Baby steps will get you farther than racing off the couch to the gym five times a week. Healthy habits take time to build, just like those bad ones did. And you don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment by taking on too much too soon. Think about it. You’re more likely to develop lasting success slowly, each win adding to the last.
This is how you avoid crashing and burning – by succeeding one step at a time. Happy training! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! ![]()
I’m not buying it – and you shouldn’t either
How are you feeling these days? Are you stressed with the holidays, work, and family? Way too busy to exercise, eat right, and otherwise take care of yourself? We hear it this time every year. And, frankly, we’re not buying it this time. The problem isn’t that you’re too busy. It’s not that you don’t have the time. And it’s not that you can’t afford it. The problem is your mindset. It tells you the same lies all the time but wraps them in special packaging for the holidays.
Do any of those sound familiar? Aren’t you tired of them yet? When you reach your TURNING POINT, when you have an a-ha moment that inspires you to take the first step, that’s when you start to address that faulty mindset so you can start making positive changes. The mistake is waiting for it to show up from some external source. That does happen sometimes, but you might not like it. A doctor’s warning. A lover’s harsh words. A wardrobe that sits in the closet. So, don’t look for something else to inspire you. Change your mindset and you’ll change your behaviors one step at a time. We are here to help! Start today for FREE by grabbing our Greatest Gift: https://www.wilcoxwellnessfitness.com/gift.html
Lots of love,
Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
If it’s out of your control, let it go
This year has been many things. Heartbreaking. Frustrating. Downright surreal. It’s also wrecked plans for everyone ever since March, and there’s no reason to think that everything will get magically better in January. How you choose to perceive everything in your world will dictate your happiness. And it is a choice. Everything comes down to our perception of things as they really are, not as filtered through our lens of how we think they should be. If we go around demanding things of people, places, or things (especially a global pandemic), then we’re going to be frustrated and disappointed.
So, instead, let’s accept the simple truth. This year’s holiday season is going to be different than others, and that’s OK.
Say it out loud: This year’s holiday season is going to be different than others, and that’s OK. I won’t get to do everything I want to do. I won’t get to see everyone I want to see. And I can’t do anything to make the daily news reports any better. But I can accept all of that, and treasure each day as it is, including: What I CAN do. Whom I CAN see. How I interpret events in my community and the world. Every day, I can’t control my thoughts, but I can choose what to think about. Similarly, I can’t control what I want, but I CAN CONTROL WHAT I DO. That includes what I eat and drink, how I exercise, whether I manage my emotions like an adult or a child, and whether I accept things for what they are. And sometimes it means seeking help from others. Happy holidays! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! If you’ve been in a funk, try this… I’ve noticed throughout life that nothing lifts me out of a funk more than helping another person. Seriously. Something about taking action on behalf of someone else gets me out of my head and lifts my spirits. It turns out I’m not unique. Scientific studies prove that donating time, money, and attention is actually good for your physical and mental health. Plus, it’s just, you know, a good thing to do. Consider these points of research.
What do you love to do to help others? <3 Paige WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
We want to make your holiday shopping easy and stress-free!
We all know how hard it is to find new, thoughtful, and fun gifts for our friends and family and then find the time to actually go out and buy them! And that is exactly why we put together our brand-new 2020 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide. It’s packed with unique, thoughtful, and practical items that will show how much you care!
I guarantee you'll find something for almost everyone on your holiday list, and at just about every price point.
And chances are you will even find something for yourself! :) And the best part is you can get it FREE at the link below. Just click below, tell me where to send it and it's yours! ? https://wilcoxwellnessfitness.lpages.co/2020-holiday-gift-guide/ Happy holidays! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
Let's face it... holiday shopping is tough!
Especially when you want to come up with unique, thoughtful, and practical items that will show how much you care! And if you are like me, it always takes a long time to hunt down the perfect gifts and I almost ALWAYS go over budget. Well, that’s exactly why I put together my brand-new Healthy Holiday Gift Guide!
This year’s guide is packed with some of my personal favorite healthy gift ideas:
? Unique stocking stuffers ? Exciting new tech gadgets ? My favorite exercise gear ? Mindfulness and wellness gifts ? Healthy food & drink gifts ? DIY gifts - salt soaks, sugar scrub, and healthy-ish cookie jars This guide will help to make your life easier, so you can save time and energy while shopping for the people you care about. And chances are you will even find something for yourself! :) The best part is you can get it FREE at the link below. Just click below, tell me where to send it and it's yours! ? https://wilcoxwellnessfitness.lpages.co/2020-holiday-gift-guide/ Happy holidays! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
Build traditions that work for you, not against you
As a whole, traditions are great, right? They’re a big part of the holidays and human life in general, helping us feel connected to previous generations and nice memories. But individually, well, they can be a bit restrictive, can’t they? And many aren’t at all healthy, are they? Do you really want to keep dressing formally just because it is what your family has always done? And what about eating too much every year because our culture seems to prioritize it? Or drinking too much because you always did before… and then spending all day after the big meal collapsed on the couch… See? Just because your family might’ve done something every year, that doesn’t mean you can’t discard it, amend it, or create something to replace it. And since this year’s going to be different anyway, given the pandemic, why not look for ways to build new, healthy traditions of your own? It’ll be fun, and a great way to help friends and family get creative, too.
Here are a few ideas to get you thinking!
Keep an open mind and allow for spontaneity and even “error,” since the best ideas are often happy accidents. Hold the past gently with one hand while reaching out to the future with a loving touch. That’s a tradition we can all start every day. Happy holidays! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! ![]()
It’s what you do NOW that makes the difference!
Are you psyched for the new year? Ready to make some changes once the calendar flips? Here’s a hot secret: You don’t have to wait! The choices you make today will determine where you are on January 1. Instead of letting these weeks go by unproductively (or worse), wouldn’t you rather kick off 2021 with a few weeks of healthy living behind you? Commit today to make the right choices and take the healthy steps FOR TODAY ONLY. To eat well, exercise, and manage your stress. To wake up tomorrow feeling better than if you did the opposite. Then do it again tomorrow – and repeat your best efforts every day as we head into January. Those kinds of daily commitments are what will help you succeed all year, and for your whole lifetime. So, what are you waiting for? Ready to get after it? Start today for FREE by grabbing our Greatest Gift: https://www.wilcoxwellnessfitness.com/gift.html Happy training! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living!
Nothing shows you care about someone like giving them the gift of improved health!
You’ll find something for almost everyone on your holiday list and at just about every price point. These are all of our favorite things - wellness gifts, fitness & recovery tools, DIY salt soak, tech items, healthy food and drinks, DIY sugar scrub, and more!
Inside, you’ll find a dozen of our favorite holiday gifts to give, including:
This guide is designed to make your life easier so you can relax and enjoy the holiday season. Download your free guide here - we can't to share all of these gift ideas with you! Happy holidays! Wilcox Wellness & Fitness WANT MORE OF THIS? Be sure to connect with us on Social Media. We post daily on both Facebook and Instagram for motivation, inspiration, and helpful tips, tricks, and strategies for healthy living. You can join our private Facebook group to go even deeper with us or book a call to see how you can get started training with us in person. We can't wait to connect with you and support you along your journey with healthy living! |
January 2025