Here’s a fun game! If you were to take one picture to capture your life right now, what would it be? I feel like this is the photo that sums up the chaos of my life right now. This was 7am - I hadn’t even brushed my teeth - the kids were wild before school so I got them outside in the January rain to go for a walk with the new puppy and our 14.5 year old goldendoodle, Ollie. How about you?! What photo best describes your life right now?
Repeat after me, "self-care is not selfish. I take care of myself so I can show up as the best version of myself for everyone else."
Since becoming a mom, I have struggled a lot with balancing the desire to take care of myself with the guilt of that feeling that I am somehow taking away from my kids and my family. But I have learned that in order to be at my very best for my kids, and my work, and my life, and my husband, I really do need to take care of myself first. And - when I think about it - it really doesn’t take me that much time. Just 4-hours per week to be able to show up as the very best version of myself. That is 2.3% of the hours I have in a week - and when I miss out on this time I feel like I am on my heels, I feel disorganized, and I feel sluggish and tired. It’s just 4-hours per week - 3 training sessions and 1 hour per week of meal planning/prepping. Let me know if you've been struggling with the balance of it all too. Want a fast way to ramp up your results??
Make everything you do TODAY aligned toward getting quality sleep TONIGHT! Getting enough sleep helps: - Boost your mood - Fight cravings - Speed up your metabolism - Regulate your hormones - Improve your recovery & stress response - Strengthen your immune system - Keep your brain healthy - And so much more All of that works together to help you not only feel better but also get BETTER results. Set yourself up for sleep success: - Get sunshine early in the day to help regulate your sleep cycle - Tire out your body (gently!) during the day so that it’s ready for sleep - Avoid stimulants like caffeine after 1-2 pm - Stop eating 3-4 hours before bed - Avoid blue light from TVs, phones, and devices at night because the light will trick your brain into thinking it’s daytime - Make sure your room is cool, dark, and quiet - Don’t drink alcohol Are you up for this challenge? Every minute spent planning saves ten minutes of execution.
This is called the Law of Planning according to Brain Tracey. Planning your day, planning your goals, planning your week, and planning your meals in advance gives you a 10x return or 1,000% on your investment of mental, emotional, and physical energy. What is your best tip for productivity? Tell me in the comments!! We are so very excited to share with you Betty Donavon’s story. Betty will be turning 76 in just a few months and she is absolutely crushing it in her training sessions here. Betty joined us because she wanted to improve her strength and balance. She lives on the lake and she had a paddleboard that she wasn’t able to use. Last summer she had so much fun on her paddle board because of all the strength, balance, and stability she gained in the gym. Way to go Betty! This is what it is all about - training in the gym so that you can continue to do all the things that make you happy with confidence and ease. And take it from Betty, you are never, ever too old. I recently had a long chat with a client who is absolutely crushing it and it broke my heart.
Direct quote: “I want to keep working toward my goals … but I feel like it is time that I am taking away from my family." This feeling is SO COMMON this time of year – the mom/wife/husband/parent guilt is fo-real. You work so hard for your loved ones because their well-being is important to you. It can feel selfish to take time or money for yourself. But the fact is taking care of your health and fitness... it’s the exact OPPOSITE of selfishness. 1- Because when you make time to take care of your health and well-being, you are teaching your family members to value theirs. 2- You have more energy, patience, and grace to show up as the very best version of you. 3- You are ensuring that you will be around to care of them and enjoy time together long into the future. What a gift. And the best part is that you don’t have to spend hours focused on your health and fitness. … you can make real progress in less than 2% of your entire week. (That’s just 3 hours a week.) The key: having a PROVEN PLAN – plus lots of support. AND that is exactly what we are here for! We take away all of the guesswork. You know exactly what to do and when to do it … and you have accountability so you never feel alone. But most importantly, you get RESULTS – like more energy, more confidence, more vitality, and you can bring even more “you” to your daily life (and to your family/kids!). The value of that.... PRICELESS.. I know this because we've watched hundreds of clients reach their goals faster and easier – and feel better than they’ve felt in years. Are you with me in keeping up with your health/fitness over the holidays … and not letting that be an EXCUSE for you? Drop a “heck yes!” below and let me know! PS: thank you for coming to my TED talk! |
December 2024