2016 was a great year for us here at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness! We loved working with all of our amazing clients. We worked out, we laughed, we supported each other. Here are a few highlights from the year in review… - # training sessions completed: 20,016 - $6,600 raised for the Good Shepherd Food Bank through Burpees for Turkeys - Katie Norwood ran 1,023 miles - Our KickStart Participants lost 896 inches… that’s 75 feet! Congratulations to all of the Wilcox Wellness & Fitness clients for your hard work, dedication and drive. Here’s to an awesome 2017! Happy Training!
We want you to live the very best life! If you are like most people - you ring in the new year with great intentions of making some major life changes in one of 3 categories - professionaly, with your family, or with your health. 8% of people who will set goals or resolutions for the new year will achieve those goals. What is the difference between those who stick with their new years resolutions and the 92% who don't? The individuals who achieve their goals have a solid why behind the goals they want to achieve and a path to follow with small steps on a daily basis to achieve those goals. Start with why… Many people set a goal of wanting to lose weight, get toned, or make more healthful choices. These are great goals but rather than focusing on the end product, think about why these goals are important to you. What will happen in your life when you lose the weight, get toned, or make more healthful choices? Think about it – lets talk straight weight loss. What does a number on a scale do for you? Absolutely nothing! You could easily lose at least 30 lbs by cutting off your left leg. If all you want to do is lose weight – you can very quickly achieve your goal of losing 30 lbs if you hack that leg right off. Gruesome, I know but stick with me a moment. When you set a goal of losing weight what you really want is all of the associated benefits with weight loss. Let’s focus on those instead. They are much more encouraging and positive to think about then those numbers on the scale. When you lose weight, you will have more energy to do the things you love to do. You will gain the confidence to excel in all other aspects of your life. You will be able to live your life without limitations and be up for just about anything at the drop of a hat. You will improve your health so you can live a long, long life with those you love. These are the true reasons WHY people want to lose weight. Let’s focus and get very clear on the WHY first – the WHY is much more compelling than the actual end goal.
What do you want in life that you don’t have?
Do you want to be able to hike mountains? Enjoy gardening with out taking breaks for your achy back? Feel great in your skin and in your favorite jeans? Have the confidence to be out an about on icy days know that you won’t slip, fall and hurt yourself? What do you have in life that you don’t want? Stress, anxiety, clothing that doesn’t fit well, exhaustion, limitations, debt, bad relationships, etc… What is the most important to you in life? Family, work, health, financial freedom, relationship with spouse, children, etc… Where do you want to be in 10 years… With this question focus on your vision for your life in 10 years – think about the big picture… Be realistic, but also inspired. Think about the possibility and not the probability. Take some time and really visualize bot personal and professionally what your life will look, feel and be like. For example: In 10 years I will be running my own business inspiring others to live their very best life. I will be leading a team of 12 full time employees who are dedicated and inspired by the mission of our business. I will have 2 very healthy, well rounded children who love life. My husband and I will enjoy spending time with each other, our family will travel often. We will have a solid work life balance where we work hard, play hard, and have lots of time for family. I will be living a healthy life and will be up for anything that my active family wants to do – hiking, biking, waterskiing, and snowshoeing will all be on the menu. These activities will recharge me and give me the fuel to be successful in all other aspects of my life. I will continue to learn and will attend at least two conferences annually and will read at least one book per month. Life is going to be awesome! Get Set! In this section we begin to develop our action plan. These are the key actions that will help you achieve your goals and design the life that you want for the future. What are the top 3 priorities that will set you up for success? These are your critical success factors. Most people set life goals around the 3 major pillars of their life: Health, Family, and their Professional Life. Think about the 3 success factors that will contribute to every factor of your life. Think about your WHY – what will it mean in your life when you accomplish each priority? WHY do you want it? What are the benefits associated with achieving this priority? Think how you will feel when you have achieved this goal. Take the time to visualize that success. For example: I will work out 3 times per week. This will improve my overall health and help me feel better. This will melt my stress away and give me the energy to be all in for my family. Working out will also help me be more focused and productive at work. What is ONE thing that you will do within the next month to achieve each of your top priorities? The first step in any journey is the very hardest. Once you get going, you will gain momentum and things will get moving for you with less effort. But the first step is the very hardest – be easy on yourself. Write out just one action that you will complete towards each goal in the next month. These actions can be small – we are talking baby steps here. For example: GOAL 1 Action: Clean out refrigerator of temptations – get rid of all packaged and processed food and eliminate all sugar from your house. By January 3rd. GOAL 2 Action: Institute a date night with spouse. Line up babysitter… By January 19th. GOAL 3 Action: Block time on calendar at work to work on specific projects – focused Productive Time! By January 4th. Who is on my team? Get your roster of supporters set up. Who is on your team – friends, family members, coaches, co-workers, workout buddies, etc… Line them up and determine how they can help you. What is their role in your success? Talk with these individuals and let them know what you are up to – share your WHY with them and let them know how they can contribute to your success. For example:
Success Accelerators: What factors will help you accelerate your results? Is it quitting refined sugar all together? Finding a coach to support you along your health and fitness journey? Giving yourself an incentive like a massage or a trip if you stick to your plan? Obstacles to Overcome What potential obstacles could get in the way of achieving your goal and what will you do to overcome these obstacles. For example:
What is the difference that will make the difference? If you have set similar goals in the past, what is the difference this time that will make the difference in the long term? CHECK – I am committed to achieving these goals this year! Take time to internalize this. This is YOUR year! You deserve to live your very best life! Don’t let anything get in your way this time. This time you are ready – you have you solid WHY, you have your action plan in place, and you have your team to support you. You are the 8% of people who are going to achieve their goals this year. 2017 is going to be the best year ever! Be sure to request your free goals workbook and get to work designing your very best life: http://www.wilcoxwellnessfitness.com/goal2017.html If you would like help achieving your health and fitness goals, please feel free to reach out to us at Wilcox Wellness & Fitness. All of our programs start with a free call with me to talk about your health and fitness goals. Click the link here to schedule your phone call to see how we can help make 2017 your best year yet! Happy New Year! Paige Goals Workbook http://www.wilcoxwellnessfitness.com/goal2017.html This Goals Workbook is designed to take you through the process of designing your very best life and setting goals and smashing them! Click the link above to receive your Goals Workbook. Schedule A Call http://www.wilcoxwellnessfitness.com/lets-get-started-consultation.html Getting serious about achieving your health and fitness goals this year? Awesome! This isn’t our first rodeo – we have a proven path to help people achieve their very best life and form healthful habits that they can sustain for a lifetime. Click the link above to schedule a no obligation call with me to chat about your health and fitness goals. Chuck started his retirement by committing to his health and fitness so that he could increase his energy levels and enjoy his grandchildren. When he started with us, his 3 main goals were to increase his core strength, work on his flexibility, and increase his cardiovascular conditioning. Chuck is super modest, is an avid outdoorsman and has been active most of his life. In just a short time, Chuck has achieved his goals and then some and is running circles around most of us in the gym. He has lost over 34 pounds and is feeling great. Chuck has even gotten his wife on board to commit to the nutrition program. This is what it is all about! Here is what our trainers are saying: “Chuck is seriously dedicated to the program and he has such a wonderful attitude. He is a pleasure to be around, a pleasure to talk to, and people absolutely love him. “I love working with Chuck! He works so hard and is 100% committed to getting a little better each and every day. Chuck works outside training time to practice movements that are difficult to him. This dedication is absolutely inspirational for me and makes my job that much better. I want to be like Chuck!” “In each and every training session, Chuck exceeds all of my expectations. I am constantly working to find new ways to challenge him. He is so fun to train! I want to be like Chuck!” Happy Training!
Wilcox Wellness & Fitness This is a time of getting together with friends and family, reflecting on the past year, and counting the blessings in our life. This is also the time of year when there are a lot of delicious temptations around. In this BDN Blog - we share a few strategies for staying on point during the holidays and some delicious recipes for your favorite treats made to be a bit more nourishing. Enjoy!
January 2025